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Posts posted by relight

  1. This has gone sort of off-topic lol, anyway 2 per caster would be nice IMO, or create some anti-summoning spells that deals a lot of damges to summons so even if you summon a lot, they die very quickly(warcraft3 have this kind of spell/items to destroy necromancer armies that summon a LOT of skeletons).


    There are ways to balance things out instead of limiting them. Take the old westwood game Nox for example, summons are limited in slot, you can have at most 4 summons per Conjurer, but summons that take 1 slot are weak. So you can choose to have 2 weak summons+1 medium summon, or one big summon that take all 4 slots.


    PS. I'm just giving out ideas. It's ok if it's hard-coded in A5, it's still a great game.

  2. Is there any chance of us getting Exile4 instead? I like the Exile series a lot more:


    1. The top-down view seems more clear/better to me.(it feels more intuitive to use the arrow keys to control the movements)

    2. Regenerate hp/mp overtime(and resting), so you don't have to revisit towns so often. (and you have to pay to sleep to restore hp/mp, making INN more usefull)

    3. Monster's that are too weak flees automatically when players are too strong for them. (no boring, time consuming trash monster fights)

    4. No summon limits. Summons might break the game but hell it was so FUN, having fun is the main point of gaming, right?

    5. More interesting spells. Like barrier or lava font...they're wierd spells but still fun to play with.


    and some changes I'd like to see:

    1. Custom character portrait. (the built-in arts are boring)

    2. Make battle deciplines more unique. (not just "bless+ protection...etc. and have more unique attack skills for the warriors and archers.)

    3. Give the "Fatigue" word a color, or change it to a bar so it's easier to see which player is fatigued.

  3. Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    The limit is hard coded into the game so scripting can't change it.

    Jeff put the limit into the game after he started getting curious during beta testing on how people were playing the major fights. When he found out that the Master of the Pit fight in Soultaker's Pit were all being done by summoning lots of creations, he changed it.

    I doubt he will change it to summons per character since some people run parties where all the characters would be able to do summons. He might increase the total number per party. We'll see in a few months.

    I see, thanks, but I still think it'd be a lot more fun to have a lot of pets(I run a mage party). If summons are overpowered perhaps it can be belanced by lowering summon's hp (so they can die a lot easier), or reducing buff durations? Anyway there is no way to change it now, hope Jeff will change this in A6.
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