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Funky Hat

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Posts posted by Funky Hat

  1. Originally Posted By: Constitutionally Capable
    Not quite accurate. He appears in two campaigns. After the first one, he starts again at level 1 and with an empty inventory in campaign 2. Yes, there's a plot reason for his depowering, but mostly it's so that you can start the new campaign from the bottom again.

    —Alorael, who can think of a fair number of RPGs that start you with a fairly powerful party and then quickly depower it, either by switching characters or by taking things away. Usually it's to make learning commands easy before you face real threats. Occasionally, as in Lufia, it's for plot reasons.

    Nope. You're thinking of the original Warcraft 3: Rain of Chaos. The previous poster was speaking of Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne, which was the expansion pack. In the Undead campaign there Arthas starts out powerful and weakens over time for plot reasons.
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