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Posts posted by TheTerminator

  1. Well i'll admit i haven't actually played the game. I tried it out and the very dated interface(compared to G5) and the whole "only 4 characters" thing made me go smirk and stop playing. And yes, most of these RPG's do effectively play themselves. But that's more a symptom of turn based combat and the grid based combat. Limits flexibility quite a bit.

  2. Oh i didn't notice that it gives you warning of what control to hit. Then you gotta hit it fast before the thing explodes.


    Oh god now the Dark golem and that other dude are crazy tough. AOE acid attacks :////


    And i solved it by simply putting the difficulty to normal. Since i was trapped down there with not enough essense pods/whatever to finish the fight.

  3. See, i've kinda skipped mechanics. I was planning on leveling more but it seemed to have hit a brickwall on all sides. Hm. Maybe that region with endlessly spawning slugs can be run with clawbugs since they are immune to poison/acid? I dunno.


    But on the west side, i had nodye pass which is blocked to me, can't even do the quest there because you require mechanics.

    There's that place below where an unbound comes after you if you go too far. He slaughters the entire castle there if i ignore him. And those assault podlings rape me.


    On the south is stoneworks, which i'll try again with more mechanics.


    On the east same situation. Something which rapes me.


    Where do i get higher tier battle creations?

  4. I dunno how you guys are having such an easy time with shaping. I'm level 21 now and it seems like i'm hitting a brick wall. Killing an Unbound would be very difficult. Even their melee does 200 damage, and they get 2 hits a turn with 3000 HP makes them really tough to crack. And god forbid you get pushed to range attack and they start throwing 600 damage range attacks at you, 2 per turn of course.


    The stoneworks is pretty damn difficult, i have to keep spamming group heal or else my that AOE trap kills me.


    I've been using 7 plated clawbugs with 0 int.


    Maybe i'm missing something, i dunno.

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