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Leslie G.

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Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. Including Fort Draco? Terrific! Great! Thanks!
  2. Hi all! OK, I got the download, started the game and tried talking to Levitt, but all he wants to talk about is Solberg -- the quest I already have. Have I done something wrong?
  3. Ah, I found a way to beat the SYSTEM, man! I won't spoil it here, but if anyone wants any more deets on this, ping me.
  4. P.S. How do I prevent them from attacking if there's nowhere to hide?
  5. Keep healed. Gotcha. Hmmm. OK. Thank you so much! L. P.S. Gee whiz, my mechanics is like 11. WHAT DO PEOPLE WANT FROM ME?
  6. Did some searches to see if this has been addressed before, but no luck. I'm not the type to just go crashing into a forum begging for help, but, as a longtime Spiderweb fan who has played every single game, I am now ... begging for help. Travald's Crypt. The -- how do I do this without spoilers -- ahem, things, marching in an, um, circle. I have been in that room with those -- things -- now for hours and getting flattened am losing my gourd. Any benevolent hints appreciated. Next time you're at the Three Kegs Inn, dried meat strips are on me. L.
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