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Everything posted by cura

  1. yes but the world map is extremely zoomed out and therefore utterly useless to someone with a not very good sense of direction. The maps in other RPGs I've played, like BG etc, will show you a zoomed out version of ONLY what you can see on one screen, or sometimes 1 1/4 of what you could see (a bit of the edges on either side), as in the auto map, but that you can scroll round. Trust me, that makes a HUGE difference. On the world map, somewhere like Muck just looks like a blob to me. If I could move the automap around I could go "ah, if I want to go to X, it's 3 screens to the left, and then down". You can't see in that much detail on the world map. If you could scroll the auto map around you could also check for bits you haven't explored yet, making it easier not to miss bits.
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