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Everything posted by Telmaski

  1. Quote: Originally written by Randomizer: The only work around is to run the games in an emulator that has windows mode. So, that would make it full screened in a windowed emulator, correct? Hmmm.
  2. I'm very interested in purchasing the GeneForge series for my downtime at home and work. I tried the demo a few years ago on a PC Gamer CD and just thought of it recently when looking for something to play when work is slow or I'm waiting around on FFXI for stuff to happen. I have a small problem though. I need to be able to play the game in a window and have it not mess with my screen colors. If the game tries to fullscreen on me: 1.) It's not very discreet at work, and I don't really want to draw attention to it. 2.) Any other fullscreen application will crash my other game of choice. So, I just need to know if this game can be played in windowed mode at all, either through it naturally being able to do that, or there's a work-around I missed during my research. Thank you.
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