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Everything posted by onyxblade

  1. Thanks! (What with the problems with the forum and other stuff, I did not get to say it earlier.) Today I finished the game as a lifecrafter Trakonite and *sigh* ended my life in a chain gang but at least not beheaded (this time I was rebel all the way). Got to kill the Titan this time (my previous infiltrator character did not get to do it) with the help of two Ur-Drakons. I'm still celebrating! Well, back to Avernum while waiting for GF5.
  2. Going through my second G4 game and I just ran into something I could not solve the first time either. Istill can't find the controls to inactivate the electrified field in the North end of Shaila's inner sanctum. Let's see: there is her magic circle and north of that her bedroom and then north of that the aforementioned electrified field protecting 1-2 boxes. A friend is going through his third round and also can't find it. Anyone knows where is the control to inactivate the field? Puleese! P.S. Playing it as a lifecrafter is soooo amazingly easy after doing it as an infiltrator singleton!! I'm stunned.
  3. My infiltrator has kept away from canisters but now that diplomacy is not needed (or so I hope) either to face the Titan or for the final Unbound act, Ariadne has become a canister hound. Randomizer's canister list is amazingly useful (my thanks to you, Randomizer) and would like to add to its polishing if I may. In the list by zones, on zone 76, the Essence Lances canister is not mentioned (it is in the Battle Magic list). A question: in Create Rotghroth, Sentinel Woods/Groves is listed but I could not find a canister. (Though, thanks to looking for it Ariadne did find the solution to the mystery crypts in the SW.) Could someone be more specific as to where it is? Tomorrow, the Titan awaits and a rotty or two would be nice
  4. Thanks for the reply B4 heading back to the Farms as you suggested, I checked out the Northforge Warrens and ran into the rothghroths and rotdithion (sp?). And, yippee! got the fang! (Did scour the Farms nonetheless - I'm a packrat - but still found nothing.)
  5. I needed a rotghroth fang and went to the Windswept Farms for it (thanks for the items list, Synergy!). I got rid of the creations by charming them and thus, letting them kill each other. My infiltrator only killed a rotghroth, a drayk and a couple of other things. Anyways, at the end of it all.... no rotghroth fang! Not a one was dropped. Is this because most of the killing was done by the charmed creations themselves?
  6. I just finished Avernum 5 and decided to try out Geneforge 4. Having fun with it but I really, really miss all the things one can do via the keyboard in Avernum (using the keyboard helps distribute the load of playing between right and left hand -> carpel tunnel). I looked at the instructions and can find very little. Is there a list of keyboard shortcuts anywhere?
  7. Azure Gallery: down the river towards Muck, there is an island with a dead body. You can see the island from the giants' spire territory. Have anyone found a way to it? My boat is stopped by rocks right before the rapids and the island is downstream of the rapids.
  8. On the way to Khora Vysss in the place where there are four bridges, one can take a path to the right (East I assume). At the end there is a room in a stage/platform. Thhere is a teleporter within the room and what seems to be a coffin. There is also a magical barrier blocking the front door and a switch to get in through the back. I've scoured Khora Vysss and have not found the teleporter that will take me to this room. Anyone knows where is it?
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