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Posts posted by Zopiac

  1. Quote:
    it looks like his problem is the refresh bug.
    who ever said i was a he??? lol

    but i am. just pointing that out :p

    WELL i am stating that i cant add scenarios, AS WELL AS i can't see the words on the initial buttons...if that clears anything up? or just restates?
  2. well, i have found success by renaming the files to VALLEYDY.*, and renaming the original files...but no luck at all with the Stealth method. i just have to select valley of the dying things from the original scenario start button and its all good smile


    [EDIT] nevermind........the text (dialogue) in the scenario doesn't work :p

  3. OK. Here is where i got the source code, and i put it onto my desktop, and then moved all of my desktop otems into my documents; C:\Documents and Settings...My Documents\Desktop\(Blades of Exile Source Code\blades of Exile.dev, UL.cur, etc.)).


    When i go to Execute>Compile in DevC++, it starts to compile, and then says in the compiler box down below:


    Invalid Argument


    [Resource error] can't open cursor file `../

    blades/ul.cur': No such file or directory


    C:\Documents and Settings\Zopiac Keylink\My

    Documents\Desktop\Blades of Exile Source

    Code\Makefile.win [build

    Error] [blades_of_Exile_private.res] Error 1


    thats it.

  4. OK. i still need help on my other topic, but i got the BoE from another thread, here , and got two scenarios: The Adventurer's Club and The Magnificent Six. I copied their files into the Scenarios folder, but could not open them! also, the text on the main page does not appear, as several people stated.

  5. OK. I am very new to this :p ...wanted to know what BoE looked like, and was curious about other things as well. The thing is, how do i open it confused ??? i have Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition, with Windows (XP), and, quite frankly, have no clue as to how to open/edit/run it. I have opened the *.cpp and the *.h files, but don't know what to do from there. Please help!

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