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Artila Master

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Posts posted by Artila Master

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Executor Xel'Raga:
    Originally written by Goldenking:
    Forging is overrated; the only times I forge a single thing are when they're artifacts. Even then, I don't go overboard with it, and my first few runthroughs I didn't forge a single thing.
    Not for me, I like to forge at least the three best artifacts in the game(Shapemaster boots, Gloves of Sav, and Cloak of Shadows) and sometimes I forge Legs of Tyrant, and there are a couple of other useful things, like per say...Talisman of Might, (+4Str!)

    Let me tell you my servile load out:

    Cloak: Cloak of Shadows(Spine enhanced)
    Sword: Puresteel Soulblade(Slow enhanced)
    Ring: Forbidden Band(Stun resist enhanced)
    Belt: Girdle of Life(Acid resist enhanced)
    Armor: Drakonain Plate(Magic resist enhanced)
    Neck: Talisman of Might
    Shield: Quicksilver Bulwark
    Gloves: Gloves of Savagery(Harder to hit enhanced)
    Leg Armor: Legs of the Tyrant(Harder to hit enhanced)
    Feet: Quicksilver sandals(Stun resist enhanced)

    I loved him smile
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