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Posts posted by Cryfenril

  1. I have read through the walkthru and can't find the quests that require the following items. Can anyone gimmie a hint? They are recommended as "hang on to these" in the beginning of the walkthru but I can't figure out why...







    What am I missing? I want to experience every single inane little subquest in this monstrously big game. If nothing else, I want to appreciate every bit of work the designers put into it - they didn't create all this stuff for nothin'!


    Plus I work third shift, so I have nothing better to do with my time... tongue

  2. I am starting my second play-thru now, and am interested in finding out what sort of tactical hints folks might have.


    So far I have discovered that training the whole party with at least a few points in bows gives me a chance to do some damage to enemies before they close for combat. Even my magic-user (who is so wimpy it's silly) can do a few points of damage, and if I give him a nice stunning bow it gives me some breathing room for heavy hitters.


    On the OCD side, I have also started a habit of having each party member carry certain types of items - one keeps all crystals and gemstones, one keeps weapons and armor, one keeps quest items like herbs and claws, and one keeps scrolls/potions/wands. This makes it easier for me to take a quick look and see if I have something that I need (I always know who will be carrying it).


    Anyone have any goodies they want to share?


    And yes, even though this game is several years old I just found this site, so I am like a kid with a new toy. laugh

  3. Hmm, still no luck. I started the game, minimized it, opened the trainer, clicked the appropriate tabs, then maximized the game again and no effect.


    I left the game on the main menu when I did it - is that my boo-boo? Do I actually need to be in an active game?


    If I get to feelin' froggy enough to use the editor, do I save it as one of the save games (if so, which one) or in the scripts folder? Or do I just dump it in Data and wish for the best?

  4. Not insulted at all, Pyro - I have already admitted my ignorance when it comes to stuff like this. Seeing folk speak so casually about "edit this" and "backup that" gives me the willies.


    I am technotarded.


    Oh well, I guess I can't be perfect. I'll have to settle for merely ethereal.


    And thanks for your help! Gonna see if I can get it to work...

  5. Just finished the game for the first time around (grrrrr, took forever and then I didn't want it to end) and decided I wanted to play around with the lovely-looking trainer that someone was kind enough to provide.


    Alas, it did diddly-squat on my computer.


    I am running v 1.0.1 and am pretty sure I followed the instructions exactly...


    ... please help? pretty please? with sugar? frown

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