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Everything posted by marthos

  1. Ah, thanks!! I'm reading the wrong books it looks like.
  2. Just started playing A1, and cleared out the Nephilim Fort. There are two books on the upper floor that I think are supposed to teach Heal and Firebolt. Each time that I use them, I either get poisoned or it says that I can't understand them. My party has a total of 8 AL. Digging through some other posts, I should only need 3 AL to read these. Can someone help me figure out what I'm missing? Thanks
  3. Thanks! So...basically if it has its own resist, like stun, it's probably not a curse. That makes sense.
  4. This might be a silly question. What exactly are "curses"? I'm assuming that curses are all negative effects (poison, bleed, fear, stun, etc). If that's right, then the Steadfast Augment (+20% curse resist) would be far superior to the ones that just provide 10% to a specific negative effect. Or am I missing something? (likely)
  5. Towards the beginning of the game, when Fort Ganrick is attacked, Gridley died during the fight. Is there anyway to bring him back so that his quest can be completed? I unfortunately dont have a saved game before his death.
  6. I am officially stupid. I have beaten this as the Romans, and I'm on the Celts now. Up until this point, I had no idea that I could diagonally. I've always used the arrow keys to move around. Wow. This totally changes my whole concept of the world.
  7. Still can't figure this one out... This is the original room configuration: I can push every block without a letter down to the southern part of the room with no problem. From there, I can start by moving blocks A, C, and D. If I start by moving block D, it has only one place to go - next to F. This blocks F for good. So starting with D is not the correct choice. If I start by moving block C, I can only move it next to E. From here, I can move either A or D. If I move D, it goes next to F - no dice. If I move A, it can only go next to E. This then allows me to move B, but I can't do much with that. If I start by moving block A, I have the options as starting from C. I don't see a way to get behind A,B,C,D in order to clear the way to push F east. Is there perhaps a lever or something that changes this room configuration into something that I can work with? Or am I still missing something? Thanks for any help.
  8. I'm currently stuck underneath Hagfen in the room in the southeastern part of the cave. After killing a few undead, my way is blocked by a bunch of movable blocks. I've pushed a few around, reset the screen, pushed again, but I do not see anyway to get in the next room. I'm sure that I'm missing some logical sequence of pushes, but my brain has hit a deadend. Can anyone help me?
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