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Posts posted by solistus

  1. I have to admit, I did create an 'uber' party of Ninjas to mess around with. My main party is going to be editor-free, though. I want to make it as powerful as I can without using the editor or lame scenarios that give you lots of stuff for little or no work. It's my first main party, so I went with the basic fighter-archer-mage-priest party.

  2. Thanks for the advice.


    Call me old fashioned, but I'll stick to "beefing up" legitimately. Half the fun is working your way up from nothing.


    I'm already hitting 7 in the first area of A Perfect Forest, so I think I'll be ready to take on a level 10-ish scenario by the time I'm done. I've got a good idea of what other scenarios to check out now; thanks!

  3. Hey all,


    I registered BoA last night and received my code today. I promptly pulled my party out of the demo campaign (levels 4/4/4/5) and decided to start with Perfect Forest, as it is the best-reviewed starting campaign.


    What other campaigns for low (1-20) level characters are particularly good? I'd like to download some more scenarios, but there are so many to choose from that I don't know where to begin. After finishing Perfect Forest, what other scenarios should I try out?

  4. Thanks for all the quick replies.


    I'm downloading the A4 and BoA demos now. I looked on the ordering page, and it seems that you can get BoA on CD with any other game for $15. I may consider that, especially if I can get an activation code instead of having to wait for a CD (and find an external drive to install with, as my disc drive is busted :\ ).


    I'm going to look into BoA further, as it sounds like exactly what I'm looking for.


    I'll probably start a thread on the BoA forum once I play through the demo a bit, but I do have one quick question: aside from the effort required, is there anything stopping someone from taking any other Spiderweb title (A4, Nethergate, etc.) and making it into a BoA scenario? Is the editor powerful enough to simulate one of the other games' storylines, or one of comparable complexity? Are there scenarios that attempt to do this (either 'port' another Spiderweb title or create a storyline of similar size and quality)?

  5. I just started playing the Nethergate demo, and I must say, I'm impressed. My portable is a G4 iBook, so my Mac gaming options are pretty limited, and I'm thrilled to find a company developing great RPGs for OSX with modest hardware requirements.


    However, given that Avernum and Nethergate use the same (or at least a very similar) engine, and A4 supposedly has a bigger storyline, I'm unsure as to which I should spend my money on. I like replayability in RPGs, and neither game's info page mentions anything about 3rd party campaigns or other features to ensure replayability.


    So, to put my question bluntly: does Nethergate get boring once you've beaten both stories? I know people do higher difficulties, Singleton, etc. to make the game harder, but is that all there is? From the demo, it seems to be a linear plot with optional side quests; once you've beaten the plot and all the side quests, what's left to do? Is there enough variety in later-game character development that playing through with a different party would be substantially different?


    Also, on a related note, how long are the two storylines? Are we talking 100+ hours of gameplay before this becomes an issue, or am I going to be out of storyline to play through a week after starting?

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