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Ichimaru Gin

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Posts posted by Ichimaru Gin

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by heal plz:
    I mean I could say that, for example, this particular snippet
    0041B475  |>  8B8D 4C125300           MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+53124C]0041B47B  |.  0FB79424 A2000000       MOVZX EDX,WORD PTR SS:[ESP+A2]0041B483  |.  8B85 48125300           MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+531248]0041B489  |.  C1E9 08                 SHR ECX,80041B48C  |.  F6C1 40                 TEST CL,400041B48F  |.  895424 18               MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18],EDX0041B493  |.  894424 2C               MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+2C],EAX0041B497  |.  74 0E                   JE SHORT Netherga.0041B4A70041B499  |.  83C7 03                 ADD EDI,30041B49C  |.  834424 10 0A            ADD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+10],0A0041B4A1  |.  EB 04                   JMP SHORT Netherga.0041B4A70041B4A3  |>  8B7C24 14               MOV EDI,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+14]0041B4A7  |>  8BB424 48010000         MOV ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+148]
    So what's the difference if I've said it or not?
    For those who skilled enough, your snippet tells nothing but that at some condition one value get increased by 10, and another by 3 ) But for those who don't it does give some mystical evidience )
    Anyway, I agree in both cases it's matter of personal belief - trust, or not to. Well, I do ^_^
    I'm impressed with your patience and determination to RE game mechanics! Sometimes I too catch myself on desire to fire up IDA, but always can't convince myself that results woth efforts frown
    Hmm...your code formatting looks unfamilair. What disassembler do you use?
  2. [iMO]All anologies are deceitful, that in their nature. Arguing using analogies meaningless.[/iMO]

    As to topic: I dare think that reason why Shapers don't even give a try to settle things using diplomacy is this: Rebellion (mostly Drakons) violate too many their ironclad laws. While "being independant creation" CAN be forgiven and accepted ( remember how serviles got to continent in G2?), violation of other laws: "Never shape any of your kind", "Never shape prohibited creatures" and "Only thoroughly psychologically trained and tested beings (Shapers) can shape" - can't be forgiven. The Shapers apply these laws to themselves, without any mercy(and we can clearly observe the reason in every Geneforge game), why should they give an indulgence in rebels case? And the only way I see (and entire Shapers society for decades didn't find out another way!) how you can be sure, that a person, who can shape will be unable to do it anymore is to kill him/her/it. Even Shapers, with their hundreds of years of experience in shaping do horrible mistakes. And I give up imagining what uncontrollable shaping by Drakons and whole Rebellion can evoke, especially with the fact that they don't even bother to seal off failed experimental creations. Eradication each and every rebel is a good deed for all humans in all over a Geneforge World, not only Shapers.

    In general, Shapers rule more humane, than Rebels one. While I sympathize Awakened case(and voted accordingly), but their usage of powerful shaping does not leave them a chance of a survival too frown

  3. Awekened sooner or later will get what they want, not all, but noone will kill them on a whim. Just because it's economically sound for Shapers to have higly controllable source of simple things like pods/spores/living tools etc. Using more powerful shaping techs will be punished, in usual Shapers way - to death ^_^


    At one perfect day serviles and all other intelligent creations will be completely banned and exterminated. Stupid but simple and working way to eliminate threat of another rebellion.

  4. A1 Singleton (@Torment)


    natural mage with good education/priest/fighter

    (however, starting from level ~20 I didn't wear any armor smile )

    was everywhere but surface. stopped playing when noticed that i have stuck at level 53.


    no difficult fights. I dare think that, my char will be able to kill Erika, Garzahd and Rentar-Ihrno at the same time. Not counting lesser creatures, such as Grath-Hoth and Howthorn ^_^

    Sulfras was most annoying, however. Those pillars can't be killed at all frown

  5. A1 Singleton (@Torment)


    natural mage with good education/priest/fighter

    (however, starting from level ~20 I didn't wear any armor smile )

    was everywhere but surface. stopped playing when noticed that i have stuck at level 53.


    no difficult fights. I dare think that, my char will be able to kill Erika, Garzahd and Rentar-Ihrno at the same time. Not counting lesser creatures, such as Grath-Hoth and Howthorn ^_^

    Sulfras was most annoying, however. Those pillars can't be killed at all frown

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