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Posts posted by kayemcee

  1. many thankies, everyone. i had not noticed the game placed a folder in my documents. deleting all the sub folders EXCEPT the G4 settings file did the trick.


    while the suggestion to save the old game in a different file would work, as a rule when i am done with the game, i don't revisit it. what can i say - i dislike having old games clogging up my hard drive....

  2. this i know. but when i start a new game, i prefer to have all the old saved games gone because i tend to save each section using the same names game to game. gets a mite confusing to have three saved games named the same....

  3. query:

    in G1,2 & 3, to clear out old saved games one merely had to delete the saved files from the game data file. however, when i try to do this for G4, i somehow ended up losing the programs .msi file. luckily i caught that before i emptied my trash!

    so, how do i remove old saved files without trashing my entire game??!?

    oh, might be helpful to mention using windows xp

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