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Raff McRuff

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Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. Another reason worth mentioning, I think, is: trying to open doors or boxes involves not only "power" but strategy. I just opened three boxes in a room after killing a demon (in Castle upstairs, as I recall) and found three bad results: one box contained a trap that alerted all the Castle residents to attack my group; another contained poison; the third contained a rain of fire. Had to fight and kill a demon to get dumped on. Fortunately, I had learned enough strategy by this time that I simply reverted to the save made just prior and thus escaped all injury. Jeff is teaching us all to learn strategies for survival. (At least in Avernum 4 and other such games.)
  2. Crewl's quest is to locate and slay Imiriel. He suggests she is hiding in a farmhouse west of Bargha. I have not been able to locate her. 1. Is his quest legitimate? I.e., does satisfaction of his quest advance my interests in the game play? 2. Where can she be found? (I killed Annatolia, based on a suggestion received outside the game itself that she was not a worthy person. I hope that did not ruin the game for me.)
  3. Again, thanks for the response. It makes me wonder, though -- Jeff, why have two doors that are so high a level they cannot normally be opened and yet nothing there is worth having?
  4. OK, it is good to learn which spaces are not viewable (not worth the trouble or just not viewable). Thanks for your post. However, the two locked doors upstairs from X's room: are they ever openable?
  5. Upstairs: I cannot get past the rubble to see the hidden spaces. And the gate is shut. Is there a way to open the gate? Also two locked doors upstairs. Can't open them. My characters are mostly level 34. Suggestions?
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