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Everything posted by EricTheRed

  1. Next state is five and I still cannot edit. Is there a reason why anybody with a working editor cannot post the file somewhere so others can download it?
  2. Well I just wated too much time trying to make either of these scripts work. It would be easier if one of your guys posted the txt file somewhere so others like myself could download it. That said the cutting and pasting over the entire existing file results in breaking all dialog options. If the obvious additions are added to the existing link, then the sign doesn't work. If the sign modified txt is added, then I cannot get the sign to act as a trainer. All I can see ir the "or you can edit your character" non-clickable text.
  3. I'm stuck and need help. I cannot continue further North because I am totally outclassed by shaper thugs and their creations. The only thing I haven't been able to figure out to the south are the control panels in the Purity workshop that need to get powered up by living tools. I'd appreciate any help since I'm hoping that getting past the fire pits in the workshop will get me to a trainer that will allow me to upgrade my creations to tackle the Northern line that I'm not strong enough to mount an attack upon.
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