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Everything posted by JR

  1. I like having a seperate shadow plane for lost puppies and maybe a land run desolete with death and hell but in the original plane of existence. Also I think A5 and Everquest should have armor that nullifies magic to make warriors the most powerful masters of the universe "If at first you don't succeed, beat it with a kendo stick and force it to work"
  2. thx, Karma, its been real.
  3. I cannnot make sense of + or - % to hit chance on the armor items i.e. radiant gauntlets ad hoc +5. On the items list, so kindly posted by Slartucker, refers to this number as the Fnch. Before I consider Hawk King's editor, is it for editing the charactor's stats and items? Is the Blades of Avernum scene editor tool with the game and do I need to use scripts. As an amateur editor I only build stories and landscapes with given tools. I am building an above and warren based design for a game that is versatile, it was great when I used it on AoW:SM editor but did not run.
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