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Posts posted by Armed_Defender

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Just Nikki.:
    Originally written by Armed_Defender:
    Windows Vista (BoA still works for me even though it's not meant to.)
    It isn't not meant to work. smile
    Really? I thought the 'Pre Vista' thing on the download page meant it wouldn't work on Vista? Oh well cool
  2. Quote:
    Orginally written by Niemand:
    1) There is no way to find out which way an NPC is facing. You can set the value, but not retrieve it.
    2) Why do you need this? Do you want NPCs to only notice crimes if facing the party? If so I'm afraid that there's no good way. Other than that, I can't think of any reason you would need this.
    Well, my intention was to make it possible for the party to steel from an unsuspecting NPC if the player was to sneak up behind them while their back is turned. To find out whether they the player was successful i would use:
    Originally written by Ephesos:
    To the best of our collective knowledge, there is no workaround for this problem.
    Ok well, there goes another idea. I'll just do it through specials, which would probably be easier in the long run.

    Well I can still use Niemands' and Niocas' scripts for my original idea lol.

    Thanks again for all your help everyone.
  3. Well I put both Niemands' and Niocas' scripts in, but then I realized that, for what I had in mind to work, i'd need a call to return the value of which direction an NPC is facing. Like a 'character_facing(ME)' call. I tried that but of course that returned a bunch of errors, so is there any call to do this?


    I think with messages I should be alright (with the help of the docs of course).


    Multiplying by negatives is fine, but I do have to tell you that the move_to_new_town call only works when it's used in a state activated by the party stepping into a special rectangle.
    What call could I use in a terrain script instead of move_to_new_town?
  4. Wow eek , thanks for all the help everyone, i wasn't expecting this many replies lol. It's a bit late at the moment so i'll have to get around to doing this tomorrow but hopefully it all works out. Thanks again for all the help and i'll post anymore problems i run into (which i'm sure there'll be lots smile ).


    Also, one more thing: can the BoA engine handle multiplying by negatives? For example, This is part of a terrain script i'm working on:

     move_to_new_town(my_loc_x,((my_loc_y - 47) * -1),get_memory_cell(9)); 
    Is that possible, or do i have to do it some other way?
  5. Question: How would I get the NPC to search for the nearest guard?


    Would it work if I, in the NPC's script, made the call can_see_char (i think this is it, but i'm not sure) whenever the crime level goes up, and if it has, and the NPC sees the player, make the NPC run. Maybe if i set guards who don't move randomly at places in the town then made the NPC run to the nearest on of those. Would this be possible?

  6. Does anyone know if it's possible to make a normal NPC actively search out the nearest character whose script is "guard.txt" after witnessing a crime done by the player.


    For example, the player breaks into someones house and steals some items of value not theirs, an NPC witnesses this, so, instead of the town becoming hostile straight away, i want the NPC to run away to the nearest guard, then the town becoming hostile.


    Is there a call that will make the NPC do this (or list of calls)?

  7. Does anyone know who that guy is in South-Western Valorium, he lives on an island a few spaces off the coast, you have to fly to get there, but when you do, he just curses you. It's very strange and I'm curious to as to what the point is of him being there.


    Thanks in advance.


    EDIT: Sorry, forgot to mention that this is in Exile III.

  8. maybe in g4 we should be alowed to choose if we want to be good or bad from the start, if we choose to be bad we should be able to make spawners and things that create thier own little monsters to wreak havoc on any nearby towns, and as you go along you should be able to make a few really powerful spawners sort of like bosses? just an idea.

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