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Posts posted by Prouvaire

  1. I've been trying to do a no-canister playthrough of G4 on a completely loyal rebel warrior, but what I didn't realize, since I've only played as a canister junkie lifecrafter before, is that I can't buy training for creations beyond the basic fyora/thahd/artila unless I go more pro-Shaper than I'm willing to.


    I know that using more than a set number of canisters (I think I've read that it's eight?) will trigger canister rage and affect the endings you can get, but is there any difference to the endings/gameplay if you don't use any at all, rather than just keeping below the minimum? I just want to know if it'll make any difference if I limit myself to one or two strategic creation canisters rather than avoiding them completely.

  2. I seem to have made a really dumb mistake while on Alcander's quest, in the room with the 4 corrupted constructs. My PC got cornered by two of them and backed up against the impassable debris stuff on one end of the room, and when my other two finished off all the controllers, my guy was caught between the now-inert ones and the stuff he can't walk over.


    I'd compulsively quicksaved as soon as the battle was over, before I realized my dude was stuck, and now I have no way of accessing the staircase to get to the next room, or to move him at all. Is there any way to get him unstuck, or do I really have to go to my autosave and do the entire quest over again? If he were a shadowwalker I could shadowstep him out, but sadly, he's a tinkermage.

  3. I'm trying to figure out how to cure Patrick's wife, and I'm not sure what I'm missing--I have the recipe and the graymold, but I have no idea what skill level my alchemist needs to be at to make the stuff. How do I go about making the actual salve to give to Patrick?

  4. I like to come up with personalities for my Shapers. I've currently got two GF3 games going at once, one pro-rebel and the other pro-Shaper. My pro-rebel Shaper is named Forqueray, after an alien in an Alastair Reynolds novella, and my anti-rebel Shaper is named Dariusz, for no reason in particular. Forqueray is swishy and gay and looks like Austin Scarlett. Dariusz is a humorless sociopath with an eyepatch. When I'm playing him, I usually go out of my way to kill everything possible and kick puppies and stuff.


    And whenever I'm playing an Agent, I call him Jack Bauer. Because when you wake up in the morning, it's because Jack Bauer let you wake up.

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