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Posts posted by eastonb

  1. Thanks for the help guys. I ordered the Avernum trilogy CD, as Washington state is close to me so it shouldn't take long to ship, and $2 is a reasonable shipping fee, and the extra $20 seemed worth it to get updated games which presumably run smoother and with fewer bugs.

  2. OK cool thanks for the link. The $25 or $45 for the trilogies sounds much more reasonable than what I thought was being charged.


    Followup question: Can I order the games to download rather than ordering a CD and paying shipping costs? I have a fast internet connection, so the size of the games wouldn't be an issue for me, but I could see them not wanting to sell the games that way since it might consume a lot of bandwidth for them.

  3. So the suggestion would be to ignore the exile series and purchase the Avernum games instead? Even so, $75 for the entire trilogy seems a bit steep. Obviously the pricing decision isn't really any of my business, but I'd be much more inclined to buy the games if they weren't more expensive than newer commericially produced games. Is there perhaps a package deal or anything for purchasing more than one?

  4. I'm curious whether the exile series has been released into the public domain, or whether the price has at least come down from $25 per game? These games seem really interesting, and I understand developers have to make money, but I would find it hard to impossible to justify spending that much on a ten year old game. Any info on this?

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