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Everything posted by Sol

  1. Quote: Originally written by Ur_Vile_Wedge: Also, you don't actually need to find out about the scepter to ask Sulfras about it. Just free him(her? Sulfras's gender changes, but I forget if it's male or female in 2. The Dragons are one of the biggest inconsistencies in the series.) Btw, did you play E1? I know, but I always feel the need to go through the whole quest chain, and like to know who tells whom about such things in-game. No, I have not played E1, but I have wanted to see what that little bit of exile that was cut off to me thanks to the empire looks like. I would be interesting to know what the first fort remote looked like, or what sat where Garzahd's Fortress is before he moved in.
  2. I began the mission to destroy the Empire’s mass portal, and was instructed to visit the Tower of Elderan. I cleared the tower got the key an information, then went to the empire archives and recovered the password and location of the portal. However when I returned to Mahdavi to get more information on the onyx scepter she tells me she cant help and repeats the mission to visit the tower of Elderan. What exactally am I missing to trigger the next phase of the quest, or where do I need to go to get information on the scepter?
  3. I’ve played through Exile 2 countless times, and count it as one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences I’ve had to date. However, I find it incredible vexing to have so many locations unavailable to visit. I’ve seen so far that most are in agreement that the second iteration of the series has a better story, and better system overall. But I can’t shake the feeling that I’m missing important information by never having played the first game. So I suppose I’m asking if there is enough new that I have not seen in Exile 2 to warrant the time to play through the first
  4. I’ve played both the old and new version of Exile 2 on the pc and it had no background music to speak of. Though, when your entire party dies that scream is music to my ears.
  5. Quote: Originally written by Frosted Cryodrayks: There are a number of people who refer to each item. Off the top of my head, Demonslayer is referred to by Efram and Anastasia in Silvar, Boutell in Fort Draco (I think), Solberg, Patrick, Micah, probably Rone and some other folk. The Orb of Thralni is definitely referred to by people in the Castle (where it was stolen from) and Fort Remote, and probably others as well. The fact that you were able to remember the correct names, and as it seems, correct spellings even, both frightens and impresses me. Yes you are correct, and thank you. I understand how I could have missed the demonslayer reference but I really should have asked around a bit more for the orb before asking on the forums, my apologies.
  6. Quote: Originally written by Randomizer: The Orb is mentioned as being stolen and seen heading for Fort Remote. I don't think there is any one person who actually tells you where to look. Not to be picky but do you remember where one finds the information on the orb? So only people who played Exile 1 then would know about deamonslayer? It just seems odd the only way to discover it would be to walk up to King Micah and ask on a random hunch about the existence of such a weapon. Then again maybe this is a way of the universe telling me I need to play Exile 1 and 3. Thankyou
  7. Assuming that I was not previously aware of the existence of demonslayer or the location of the orb of Thralni, to which Exile 2 NPC would I have needed to talk too to discover these two items?
  8. I killed Garzahd by filling the room with quick-fire to kill his escorts, then summoned a few Ur-basilisks to stare him to death. That was good times.
  9. I look at it this way: the graphics for this game are lack-luster, when you compare them to the likes of modern games. However the art is fantastic, it gets across exactly what it needs to, and is fun and engaging. As far as story goes, exile II has a better story then all the ps2 games I’ve played in the recent years.
  10. I was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to point me in the direction of and old share-wear copy of Exile II. I downloaded the copy available on the web site, and found the updated graphics to busy. I’m really enjoyed the old graphics.
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