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Posts posted by Benamas

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Synergy:
    Well, if you consider other early Celtic lore, you have Merlin, a wizard, so wizards in ancient Britain is hardly an inappropriate concept, even if you don't have wizards, per se, by name anyway, in the game.

    I thought about that possibility before I posted, BUUUTTT I am reasonably sure it's a misplaced string from Avernum

    Obviously not a big deal either way though lol

    (d-didn't the arthurian legends take place well after the roman occupation?)
  2. My original plan, starting out in A4, was to make a duo. An Elite Warrior/Fast on Feet melee/archer kitty and a divinely touched/natural mage mage/priest.


    But, smart like I am, I completely neglected tool use, AND my doods didn't have the strength to carry all the loot I wanted.


    When I got tired of not being able to open locked doors and getting killed by traps, I upped the party to 3. The third, completely useless guy, is a mule, and a walking lockpick. (16 tool use and a couple points of arcane/nature lore laugh ) His weight is something like 230/90, which is okay because he can't do anything useful in combat anyway.


    So far I have had a lovely time killing things (my warrior used a Stick right up until my first Blessed Shortsword, and even then I couldn't tell much difference >> they're actually quite nice) and hitting space every once in a while to skip Juan Valdez's 2-AP turn. (if I strip off his armor and give him a girdle of strength, he gets 3AP -- enough to use a scroll or wand! Yahoo!)

  3. My original plan, starting out in A4, was to make a duo. An Elite Warrior/Fast on Feet melee/archer kitty and a divinely touched/natural mage mage/priest.


    But, smart like I am, I completely neglected tool use, AND my doods didn't have the strength to carry all the loot I wanted.


    When I got tired of not being able to open locked doors and getting killed by traps, I upped the party to 3. The third, completely useless guy, is a mule, and a walking lockpick. (16 tool use and a couple points of arcane/nature lore laugh ) His weight is something like 230/90, which is okay because he can't do anything useful in combat anyway.


    So far I have had a lovely time killing things (my warrior used a Stick right up until my first Blessed Shortsword, and even then I couldn't tell much difference >> they're actually quite nice) and hitting space every once in a while to skip Juan Valdez's 2-AP turn. (if I strip off his armor and give him a girdle of strength, he gets 3AP -- enough to use a scroll or wand! Yahoo!)

  4. I've noticed on this thread a lot of people asking for new playable races. The Vahnati are right out, and making up an entirely new race would throw a wrench into the games' continuity.


    But what already exists that is probably intelligent enough to be a PC?


    • Goblins
    • Eyebeasts
    • Drakes/Dragons
    • Spiders
    • Roaches
    • Giants
    • Troglodytes
    • Ogres
    • Demons/Imps

    And what of those is actually humanoid enough and the right size to, at least, wear the same equipment as everyone else?

    • Goblins
    • Troglodytes
    • Demons/Imps

    AND have, at some point, been known to cooperate for one reason or another with someone besides themselves?

    • Uh. Goblins

    I think they'd be our best bet for a new race, and I don't even like them very much. (maybe I've missed someone though..) But hey, if there can be Goblin Bandits and Goblin Shamans, maybe in some time and place there could be Goblin Adventurers. It's a long stretch, but who knows.

  5. One key feature of the older Avernum engine that I miss dearly in A4 is the ability to kill things without having to go into combat mode.


    Just bashing the front guy into whatever weak monster decided to amble up made exploring dungeons a lot less tedious, -particularly- ones that were a lower level than the characters (IE going back and cleaning something out).


    This is basically a request to put that back into Avernum 5. :3

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