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Posts posted by Meeshka

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Dintiradan:
    Placing random walls in BoA (and presumably A5) is easy enough. The problem with it arises in trying to make sure the maze has at least one true passage, enough false passages, and is fairly difficult. I might take a whack at it myself after I brush up on graph theory a bit... yeah, like THAT'S going to happen...
    You don't need to apply a graph theory here to make a maze with one right way and several wrong. There is much more easy way to do that. All you need is to define exactly how many wrong ways you'll have, then code in the definition of a vector, a bended(bent?) vector, and crossing of two vectors. The only place, where graph theory might come in handy is when you'll count how many vectors you'll need to finish the way. But that number better be fixed.

    Edit: UBB typo
  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Silverking:
    Someone already brought up music, in the General forum, but it has been mentioned. The response was it would take to much money. So listen to your own music.
    The response was that it also would make too much size for download with dial-up. Though .mid format doesn't take that much space.

    P.S. I failed to find a link to that thread.
  3. Quote:
    Originally written by *i:
    So is eating, sleeping, going to the bathroom, etc. If in real life, your hero did not do either of those, he would starve, ...
    Some would disagree at this point, remembering the days when starving was rather interesting trait in Exile series.

    The voices think that necessity of going to the bathroom in RPG sounds intriguing. I can agree, since it would be much more easy to sneak past the guards. You'll have to wait until the beer which they gulped back some time before is going to find its way out :p
  4. Quote:
    Originally written by Micawber:
    As a general point of advice, in Avernum games you should act morally (i.e. don't steal or cheat, offer help where it's needed and pay respect to any old creatures or people) in order to get the best outcome.
    Anywhere other, including real life, don't you dare do that!!! :p
    Sorry for some offtopic. I've already payed my two cents over here smile
  5. Quote:
    Originally written by *i:
    I think melee is fine the way it is, simple and effective. I'm not saying there can't be more features in skills like riposte, assassination, etc. but I'd make them automatic. I wouldn't even be opposed (although not prefer) to a fast recharging stamina bar that when you have a higher amount, would increase the likelihood of special attacks.
    Grrr. I've read through this thread wondering, why doesn't anybody suggest this simple decision? So now I can honourably say: SECONDED.
    Conservatives prefer the fighting style "as is". Avangardists want to see it being advanced. No doubt, advancing the AI in the game will make it much more interesting. As for fighting - it is like finding something between "Chapaevists" (current fighting system) and "Chess" (advanced personalised tactics). There is always checkers. Each figure seems to be the same, but one sometimes achieves the ability to jump further. Making special events occur randomly, depending on some simple algorythms is a good way to vary the fighting system without wasting time to choose abilities for your characters.
    As for the thought that it would make warrior a "melee mage", I don't think players will reject playing mages or priests. Magic is always interesting. smile
    P.S. "Chapaevists" is a game, where checkers are placed in two rows: white against black. Then each player in his turn slaps one checker like in billiards, trying to wipe all the opponent's checkers from the board. Minimum mind activity. :p
    So let up expect some entertaining fights.

    The voices: "Chapaevists"!?
  6. Quote:
    Originally written by Mister Fox:
    An interesting side quest could be a temporal rift or something of the like that sends the party to an alternate dimension (possibly Exile, with its minute differences from Avernum) with old-school 2D graphics.
    This would be interesting only to those, who have any idea of what Exile is. However I doubt such customers prevail nowadays.
    May be you meant a temporal rift, which brings a party to some past, where some historically important event is taking place? I had such an idea after I had some doubts that 4 (Exile - 6) people can infiltrate Hawthorne's castle. That would be fun to find out that there was one more team, infiltrating that citadel, distracting attention from assassins smile

    Voices agree. Plus they say for me, though I know what Exile is. They say I won't be happy seeing that mixture. I personally don't think that former is admittable technically.
  7. "If you want to become smarter you'll have to play with a smarter opponent". For me that means, that when I increase the difficulty level in any game, I prefer to see monsters behaving in a much more intelligent way. I know, it is hard to create, since it involves separate training of AI for Easy/Medium/Hard levels. And training AI is still one of not so fully studied things, though there are some interesting knowhow for games.

    Definitely I don't want just to see monsters on steroids and nothing else after increasing difficulty level. smile



    Though voices are not sure that if there was any selfstudying AI in the games which I play I should ever win. I tell them, I can study, too. No doubt.

  8. Quote:
    Originally written by Proctors don't gambol:
    But what's the point?
    For Diablo or Diablo 2 there's almost none, just more hack'n'slashing all the way down. For an RPG or an FPS, which involve along with more HP, Int and Def to the monsters, more AI with higher level of difficulty however there is a point. For a player that means that he won't be able to pass through encounters using the same primitive strategy he used on an Easy level. Such as precasting certain spells, reordering group, drinking cetain potions, choosing right location, etc. before the combat. I'm not talking now about Avernum, for I'm not sure AI of monsters changes with higher level.
    Originally written by Proctors don't gambol:
    It requires a careful balancing effort by the programmer(s) above and beyond balancing the game on normal difficulty for a result that is, if all things go right, no different from just increasing the difficulty.
    Huh... Too hard to get the main idea, what you were up to say by that. Sorry. Isn't the increasing of the difficulty always imply balancing the game above the normal difficulty?
    What happens when every monster is impossible to defeat with anything but infinite power but you also get infinite experience just from existing?
    Player's synapsis study new ways through player's brain curves(Eng?), allowing him to find the right way to defeat something, which seemes undefeatable. That's the trick of playing some RPG, RTS and even some FPS. smile
    Voices tell me that my English is still too poor to follow the sterling communication. I tell them that people here are wise enough to understand what I meant to say, hopefully. smile
  9. Quote:
    Originally by Dikiyoba:
    And when players run out of things to discuss, it might be better just to let the thread die.
    I prefer to disagree to this statement. It is never better. But that's my philosophy.
    No new ideas for today, but may be tomorrow. May be we shall make a schedule, when every player on Spiderweb Boards shall put in an idea?

    Voices continue telling me it is time to shut up. Also one voice is asking since when do I have "my philosophy"?
  10. So? This is just a spam post to up the thread for more ideas. Huh?

    By the way, does anybody need them at all? confused



    Voices tell me I shouldn't have posted such questions without having a good idea to suggest. Still I tell them, I did already a little. I think.

  11. Quote:
    Originally written by Dikiyoba:
    Originally by SevenMass:

    Thank you! Ah, bummer, I always liked to ramp up the diffeculty in Diablo 2 with the playerX command. Creatures get more HP so they are harder to defeat, but you'll get more XP at the same time.
    That seems like it defeats the entire purpose of playing on a higher difficulty. If you get more experience, you gain more levels. If you gain more levels, the higher-level monsters become easier to defeat, and you're back to unchallenging combat.

    Though to give a cent for Diablo-Hellfire it was balanced there. I mean the combat on higher levels was still challenging despite gaining more XP and levelups. The funny thing was to fight with your player, who had finished the hardest mode, in the easyest. Monsters literally died after they tried to hit me, so I just walked through without clicking smile Just for fun, but not to feel myself an archangel. :p

    Voices tell me I liked feeling myself a demiurg, though I shall never confess in that.
  12. Quote:
    Originally written by Nigh For Dinner:
    I've never had enemies run in Exile. Outdoor wandering encounters disappear without a fight if your level is high enough (like high Cave/Nature Lore in Avernum) but you can never shout boo and watch your foes panic.
    That's weird. Because I'm pretty sure they did run. The question is do they run in Exile 2 and 3, since I remember for sure only the Escape from the Pit for that option. When you fight some brigands with evil priests e.g., when all Archers,Melee fighters are dead it is 100% the priest is moving to the far-from-your-party end to leave. And he does so unless you catch up with him and kill him.
    Originally written by Archmagus Micael:
    The Exile Trilogy had a spell for just about everything. I think everyone misses the old spells, but since Avernum's combat is so much easier, there's no need to make the enemies run away...
    Eventually the retreat is a good option for any fight, which shows some sort of intellect for your enemies. I didn't see fighting engine for A4, is there a possibility to hide beyond an obstackle (not a wall, but a stone for example), aka sit down move?
    I would like to see Rentar retreat in final fight in A3, making another possible storyline for A4 :c)))
  13. Was it only in Exile series, when during an encouter your enemies started to flee when heavily outnumbered? I can't remember such thing in Avernum series except for casting terror. I think I miss the feeling of chasing the prey from Exile.

  14. Did you talk to Bon-Ihrno in Avit? He should have told you about ritual of welcoming. Then you are supposed to pass through three tests. If you've done the tests, may be it is the ritual that is missing. I wonder if it is possible to start the tests without Ritual of Welcoming, making you familiar with Vahnatai language.

  15. Quote:
    Originally written by ginger8445:
    ...to deactivate the one near Renton Ihron
    You're the first person I'm aware of who spells "Ihrno" correctly
    Does he?
    Ayway, using walkthrough isn't that interesting, as to make it all the way yourself. Just imagine it is you IRL trying to defeat mighty Rentar.

    P.S. The funniest way of misspelling Rentar over here on Spidweb boards was I think "Ranter". :p
  16. Quote:
    Originally written by Tyranicelt:
    That is from The Wishsong of Shannara, which is arguably the worst book of the original trilogy, with the first book being good (although a blatant Tolkien ripoff), and the second book, The Elfstones of Shannarabeing the best book Brooks has ever written. Anything after First King of Shannara is pure excrement.
    Well, I was not going to discuss TB books here, still, the thing I was talking about - creation of lizrad men by magic for some strange purposes - hasn't been written in any book of TB yet. It is just from his plans of uniting two of his storylines into one - from interview with him and from his official website. So what are you talking about? The Wishsong definitely not his best creation, but that was not what I was trying to tell. After the "First King" there came out a trilogy of "Voyage of 'Jerle Shannara'", which was rather interesting, and mwellrets playing a big role in third book of it. His latest trilogy of "High Druid" is still unaccessible in Russia, so I can't say anything good, or bad about its content.

    Edit: TYPO
  17. Just to make a parallel, if it is possible, there is a lizrad like people in Terry Brooks Shannara series. Depicted very much alike Slithzerikai in Avernum/Exile series. The same way of breeding - if I remember that well enough. All the nation of mwellrets (lizard men) is presented as evil, with inborn ability to hypnotize. But that is all offtopic, except for that they were created by magic. The whole nation.

    This is somehow in close relations with Drakefyre's vahnatai creationism theory and Aran's novel "Crystal Song" smile


    P.S. I'm not sure whether I should have placed a tm, or copyright after the name of the novel. Anyway, it is worth reading smile


    Edit: Put in some valuable refinement

  18. Quote:
    Originally written by Mortimer:
    Unfortunately you dont have 'Grab the eggs and take them to Gnass to be bought up with good old fashioned Slith values' option.
    A good quest, by the way. Makes sense in adventuring. But that time Gnass is really a poor village. So bringing there more sliths will make it a hard day. A foundation of a kindergarten at some place, where foundlings of all the nations will be brought and taught to behave together is a good deed! smile
  19. I only know many sport games by EA. That makes sense, when you transfer your team from one trace/field/country to another, changing the game. Not suitable for RPG though. Simply because the time, when the events take place in A1-A2-A3-A4 are separated by quite a long period so you can't have one team, capable to fight both in A1 and in A4. May be only mages. I don't know how much time shall pass from A4 to A5. But we are talking for common case, so apparently it will be again 10-20 years, or even more, which I prefer.

    I didn't quite get what you mean by "random monster fights" in any form. I thought that you encounter rather random monsters, so the fights usually differ. And if you mean refighting in the same cave until monsters stop respawing (a small local plague in every cave), I think I should vote for that. That will be interesting. It was pretty a tedium to wander in A1-A3 after you've killed all the monsters available. smile


    P.S. Hey, that was 99-th for me. My first century of posts. Hope not all was spam.

  20. Quote:
    Originally written by Xenodave:
    EA does this all the time in their PS2 games.
    What games do you mean?

    Slimes or lizards or other creatures could have a "slime mother" or "Lizard Queen" in the same way
    As for the slime, you should play A3 to see how they breed. And as for lizards... I misread it at firs and thought you insult sliths. But then I got the idea. I think there should be some hack and slash in every cave, but not an endless. May be it should be repopulated some time later, but not while you fighting through it. That will come out more realistic.
    Anyway, this is RPG game, not an arcade FPS.

    Mr. Vogel, is a very creative guy and could probably come up with all kinds of interesting features for the new game, these are two that I would enjoy. Obviously, A4 is already pretty sweet. These are just ideas to throw out there.
    Don't throw your ideas. Just put them here. smile
  21. Quote:
    Originally written by Mortimer:
    Nothing as fun as abit of trespassing. On a similiar note is the trick usable in any other notable locations ... like the Dragon lairs?
    Well, you can try it also in Athron's lair in A1 and A2, too. But only after you fulfill the quests with her. I don't remember if Sulfras is being angered when stealing from his secret places. I only remember the quickfire and running out... The same, except quickfire, is with Khoth.
  22. Quote:
    Originally written by Xenodave:
    There could be a Chieftain or a breeder creature.
    Did you mean "and" instead of "or"? I hope that in A5 we won't see so detailed "reason" of the growth of creature populaton. Only if it is slime, breeding by dividing the slime from the pot (or whatever there was in A3). smile
    And am I the only one who thinks that beer is repulsing terror and any mind control from outside of one's mind?
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