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Posts posted by jgcrawford

  1. Hi, I'm needing some help in the lake of trials. I'm finding that I can't get past one test (the one at the top of the map, cave with the buttons and the sickly ogre statue), but I can't figure anything else out. I've pressed all the buttons I can, though a lot can't be pressed.

    I've already completed the other tests by blasting the repulsion spheres, but this one is just not going.

  2. Are we thinking the same place? I've covered every inch of ground I can, I think. Here's my screen:


    It looks like there's a little stables for some wolves and a crsytal cutting lab in the southwest corner of the lower level.


    EDIT: Removed the screenshot. The lever is by the window by the gate. I just couldn't see it because of a shadow. Well that was a lot of wasted time...


    Thanks anyways.



    *I MEAN IT*


    I'm not sure if it's appropriate to ask for game help here, but I'm in Rentar Ihnro's fort west of Fort Remote, and I can't get any farther. I've gone down the stairs just by the room where the shades were made, and the friendly Vahnati are waiting by a gate for me to open it, but there's no where I can go that doesn't involve hitting an un-unlockable door. I've already picked up one crystal key that opened up some doors, but that's it. I've searched everywhere I can go besides those doors in the area, and am finding nothing.

    I don't really need you to spell it out letter by letter, but if there's someone out there who could just give me a pointer in the right direction, that'd be muchly appreciated.

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