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Capt. Kratos

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Capt. Kratos's Achievements

Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. Thanks for info......... I had started this game demo along time ago,........... (but due to health reasons) I just recently bought the Key Code so as to get back at it. That is why my seemingly silly questions. My team is up around the mid level exp. range, and covered much of map it seems. Anyway, thanks for help K
  2. I can use some help with the rear gate wheel in the Black Spire....... my team keeps taking damage when trying to turn wheel.......... How do we open this gate?? Also, this may be just a general question..... As we travel around the map, we have been in most all locations, and there are indications that travel should be possible in some directions,............. but, are blocked by rocks on water ways, or pathways.......... No switches,or other items are seen.... we can only leave area, but no other path seems avail............... is this just the way maps are shown? or are there ways to get past?? Even some cave entrances are blocked. How do we get higher Magic Dispel ability to pass various walls?? So far, we seem only to have a level one ability.......... Thanks
  3. Am I Bad........... I thought there was enough light, and never used a light source...... Then had remember fight..... Thanks.............................
  4. Help...... I am in the Strange Cave (as I recall) and am constantly going between the same two pylons, killing the same three beasts, (forgot name of them)... How do I get out of this area.?? I can't use previous saved game, been saving at same line for so long, going back to an early saved game, I might as well start over.....would rather not.. thanks for any help
  5. Schrodinger: Thanks, I'll give it another try at Creator's Hall. Hope it works, wouldn't want to start over, actually, I hope I somehow, haven't done something I shouldn't have, on the way there that would keep me from getting through. That kind of brings a question to mind,.... If I were to start the game over, as another character, would the previous game saves still be available?? That way I could be playing the game twice, and go from one game to the other as needed. That way, one helps to play the other and avoid some problems, or at least helps to know how to deal with them.
  6. Schrodinger : Thanks for your help, I'll try it out. As for not entering Purification Plant, or the Creators Hall,.... When I approach the zones, from either of their two entrances, I can move in a few steps, then I approach a slid down type of door, but they will not open... I don't see any levers, or control for them. Also, at Purification Plant, I take poison damage hits until I leave the area. Still no open door into the area. Thanks,
  7. Hi All, Can anyone help me out a bit?? In GF1- I seem to have it completed, However, the WEST WORKSHOP stays red on the map display, but I have cleared the area. Even after several retrys. Am I missing something?? In GF3 - on Dhonal's Isle, I have the same type of problem at Darkstone Core.... Then I can not enter either Creators Hall, or the Purification Plant...... What can I be missing for entry???? Thanks for any help....
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