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Posts posted by Korrineine

  1. So the Scimitar dudes told me to go and see Erika - "by all means, go and visit her", they said, so I ought to be able to get there, but I've no idea how. I've got four of the bits of mold for the witch - where is the fifth? Can someone post the co-ordinates of them all, or at least describe in detail where they are? I'm sure I've walked into every wall on this map and not found any new secret passages. Sigh.

  2. At the moment, Dian and Brun are my warriors - made-up names that sounded sort of brutal... Ilia is my thief/trap disarmer, cos it sounds a bit les brutish, plus Marianna the mage and Malachai the priest, because people who can do magic deserve complicated names. I got sick of the default names after about eight years of playing these games.

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