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Dark Mage

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Posts posted by Dark Mage

  1. Sucia island seems to be quite larger than what I imagined...I think that it's obvious that G5 will be about western terrestia, but, that may change. After all I always thoght that A4 would be about the new surface Avernum, but instead we got what all of us know...

  2. 1: Yhh nice I can't wait.


    2: Yay it's really here!!!! eek I think i'll love it!! REally where did Jeff got that idea, it seems awesome, from Diablo maybe?? hehe.


    3: Nice, I expect some arrows spells like in Avernum, and some area spells like in exile(and A4 :/).


    4: What? Ow a cool plot is always nice, But I don't want a two sided Avenum please!!


    5: Nice, I still suggest to adopt completely the old Avernum system...


    6: Ow nice, no more sea monster cheap excuses!! Also a great complement to the game.


    7:Tne anama are back?? Oh well...More temples to raid!! Solberg is cool, renthar is useful being dead... What will be the role of the Vahnatai in this game??

  3. Ow I hadn't seen this fixed poll. I obviously choose the rebels, though the peace that can provide the shapers is quite good too I don't like people being so opressed. After all the shapers just started like a little sect, and now they think they rule everything in the world...


    But I must admit that I prefer the human side of the rebellion, even considering its low resources. I don' like drakons, but drayks could be great allies for humans...

  4. Considering the single being they are obviously supperior to anything, except maybe to eyebeast in power. But they can be powerful but their race will never klast so long as the humasn, because their madness for power will consume them all some day...

    Also there is a lot of more humans out there.

    Considering that even the drayk race could be supperior.

  5. BELIEVE me that if one day jeff makes a game based in a very populated continent it would only be in case that the entire continent is dying and you won't see almost anyone anyway...Just think; Terrestia should be great but it's destroyed...Valorim should be great too, specially Tinraya but it were a mess in A3.


    If we ever see Pralgad we will only be there to see the ruins and ashes of the great continent. THAT IS WHAT SPIDERWEB GAMES ARE ALL ABOUT.


    Edit: Sorry for taking pralgad as example, it may be confusing to some new people, pralgad is the capital continent in avernum games but it's the biggest continent I can think of.

  6. I think they are not the same. Those crystals were in a3 too, one I can remember now is the one in the concealed room in the vahnatai settlement in upper avernum. The minds crystals were found in secret passages in dungeons generally.


    A4 that hadn't any secret passage couldn't have any of those!!!



  7. An improvement for g5, the charged creations...I hate them, I mean who could possibly prefer to make a corrupted rothgoroht that will day instantly instead of a so cool named rotzidon(or rotdizon I don't remember, both are cool)??


    I want my terror vlishes back!! not those stupid charged vlishes that will die!! That kind of poison damage found in the terror vlish can be found nowhere else.


    Well you know what I mean with that...Further ideas later...

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