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vois2 {at} yhoo {dt} cm

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Everything posted by vois2 {at} yhoo {dt} cm

  1. Thanks, guys. If it is the case that the boss does not appear until Lark gives the quest, then I certainly haven't yet actually encountered the boss. I'll check out the area you described, and see what I find there now. Thanks again.
  2. Pit Crawler quest Lark is a mage in New Harston. He gives the "Pit Crawler" quest, to hunt down a bizarre scuttler creature in the Drakes Pillar region. He wants its brains. Haskell, a potion seller in Exodus, then directs you to "abandoned mines not far to the West" (of Exodus). I received this quest long after I had cleared Drakes Pillars of everything that I can find except for Mr. Gelmax. My assumption is that a long time ago I killed this scuttler. Can someone help me if their intuition is that I am wrong, or, provide me with a SDF repair if the quest will now remain endless (provided I did kill the creature a long time ago, which I am assuming I did.) Thanks!
  3. Nightowl2 - The tactics of the battle wasn't the issue (above). The object of the quest disappeared, programming error/oversight.
  4. Thanks to you both. I'll go back and see whether I actually found the field (up some stairs).
  5. There is a nephil named Sarramor in Shanker's Tower. He gives a quest to find a crystal field. This appears to be the final current quest that I have which I cannot complete for reasons beyond my control. It has been a while, but I must have found the crystal field before receiving the quest, and killed the nephilim guarding that field. The field is emptied out and identified, but when I go back to Sarramor I get no response. May I please get an SDF code to complete that quest? After that one, I can finally move on to kill Lystaak and advance over to what I presume is the next area/phase of the game in Tranquility. Thanks.
  6. Outside of Harkin's Landing is an NPC named Gall. He informs on Kolata, who is back in the town, about knowing something about bandits. You are supposed to talk to this Gall outside of town, then go back into town and talk to Kolata. Kolata chips up some info on finding a hidden switch in the Three Tunnels Claim which will lead to Lystaak. After you check out the secret switch, you are then supposed to Pefko in town, and get a reward since Kolata is considered a traitor. I did these in a different order -- I never talked to Gall at all at first, but found the switch at Three Tunnels, killed everybody in there except Lystaak, etc. This has led to the quest of "Lystaak's Spies" to a state of never being able to complete. Can someone provide me an SDF code which will make this problem go away? (i.e., code should indicate Kolata has now been found out to be a spy, so that I can then go to Pefko and finish the quest). Thank you.
  7. There is a basin in the magically locked room behind Foramon in Exodus. Before using the basin which "gives you new insight" I saved my game and wrote down all of my characters stats and characteristics. I use the basin, and check the numbers again, but nothing has changed amongst the statistics and skills and stuff. Anyone know what insight is allegedly gained there? Thanks.
  8. Wow. Thanks a bunch. I will give this a try, saving just before I attempt it. I am not sure what is meant by "game applies" though. I think what I will do is save the game before using this code, then copy the saved games folder at that point to a safe location. Again, thanks.
  9. EDIT: My question below has been answered here as an SDF code . In regards to the previous post (my problem is posted below here for convenience), it has been suggested that the errant quest might be removed using an SDF. Is there someone who can help me with that? I know games often have a command console accessible, I don't know whether Mr. Vogel's games do or not. Thanks. -------------------------------------------------- In Exodus town, a mage named Foramon gives the Stone Circle quest. You're supposed to take the crystal he gives you and approach the stone circle to the west of Exodus, but you are warned not to kill the magic that appears there. I did this, the golem appeared, my party ran off in one direction and the golem ran off in the opposite direction. No shots were fired. Now the magic pylon is gone -- its magic used up -- and because I didn't do battle at all with the golem, the quest seems to be in an infinite dead end. When I talk to Foramon, the quest as such is given again (he provides crystal, warns not to kill the magic there, yada yada). But when I go back to the original stone circle, the magical pylon is missing due to the earlier interaction. How do I remove this quest from my list of quests? Thanks.
  10. In Exodus town, a mage named Foramon gives the Stone Circle quest. You're supposed to take the crystal he gives you and approach the stone circle to the west of Exodus, but you are warned not to kill the magic that appears there. I did this, the golem appeared, my party ran off in one direction and the golem ran off in the opposite direction. No shots were fired. Now the magic pylon is gone -- its magic used up -- and because I didn't do battle at all with the golem, the quest seems to be in an infinite dead end. When I talk to Foramon, the quest as such is given again (he provides crystal, warns not to kill the magic there, yada yada). But when I go back to the original stone circle, the magical pylon is missing due to the earlier interaction. How do I remove this quest from my list of quests? Thanks.
  11. so that you can see that other, far side of a rock wall which is currently facing away from you? Thanks.
  12. Hello, I hope the replies will be of a measured, conversationalist and non-accusatory nature... I have enjoyed three previous SW games, and now I have been playing Avernum 5 for a week or so. The first time I went through Avernum 5 recently, I sort of blasted through it and missed out on some quests by this poor method. So, I started again - I put the difficulty this second time on "Hard". Only this time, I went through it very carefully but decided to see how much I could do in the game without "advancing" my characters' statistics. That is, I didn't increase any skill or attribute (I just let the skill/train points rack up), I did not buy any new spells, etc. I basically just kept the characters in the form they were from the moment I started this new game. Now I have made it through all of the areas in the non-registered portion, and I am disappointed that the game has not been tougher. Keep in mind that the only advancement my characters have done is that which comes naturally, being an increase in hit points and an increase in spell points. Nothing else has been advanced by me, except for where a couple of quests completions did the deed. [Edit: I also did not buy any items, I just kept on accumulating coinage.] Yes, there have been a few doors I could not unlock. And yes, there were a couple of monster bosses I could not defeat. But frankly, I don't think I could have defeated them yet without being much higher in skill in the game anyway. I know the argument could be made that *because* there are some portions of the non-registered areas of the game which I could not yet defeat, that this is in fact evidence of the game getting harder. I am wondering what others who are checking the forums have thought about the overall challenge of A5? If you are playing on Normal or Hard, have you ran into some serious challenges later in the game which took quite a bit of attempts and tactical variation to defeat? Thanks to all.
  13. Hello, I started the game on a laptop which I now must return to a friend from whom I had borrowed the machine. The game *is* registered on this laptop (I will call it Laptop A) Now, because I have to give up Laptop A, I want to continue the game on my new laptop (Laptop . I have already received by email a generous gesture by the creator to receive a second registration for that Laptop B, so that part is taken care of. The only thing I am not sure about is: Is it as simple as transferring the saved game files from Laptop A to the exact same directory structure of Laptop B? Or, are there other gaming files which need to be transferred also? Thanks so much.
  14. Quote: Originally written by Contra: Anyone actually found a use for these [shaper] tools in the game? Not the living but the oldschool things just named "tools". Is there a use? In any of the Geneforge games? If it is like earlier Geneforge games, at some point you'll be asked to deliver the item 'Shaper Tools' to someone in order to construct/build a special item. I try to keep one instance of each item in storage, because in earlier Vogel games, you sometimes have to deliver a mundane item to make someone happy. For instance, someone may want a board game and dice, or a towel, or a trowel ... etc.
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