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Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. <<"The customer is always right.">> Well, more accurately, the customer THINKS s/he is always right, which of course makes it next to impossible to win an argument. Maybe it should be rewritten as: "The customer thinks s/he is always right, therefore don't bother trying to argue and just go along, with the hope s/he will go away and leave you alone."
  2. Thanks for the responses. I think I'll pass on G3. These really difficult areas shouldn't be plunked in the beginner areas of the game. That's just plain bad design, IMHO. Or, it forces the person to buy the hint book/editor just to get through them. I like a non-linear game as much as the next person, but entering a "dungeon", only to discover it's WAY too hard isn't my idea of fun.
  3. <<Are you using spells from blessing school of magic?>> No, I don't think my Fighter has any. <<Are you employing creations?>> No, but as a fighter I really doubt one lowly creation will help ... <<Are you employing followers?>> No. Where does one get permanent followers? Haven't encountered any and I pretty sure I've been everywhere (to this point). <<Are you trying to minimize the amount of enemies you face at a time by hiding in corners?>> Absolutely,a dn it does help. But there are no corners in this particular room. <<Are you using pods and potions?>> Yes.
  4. regarding G3 I have to conclude: 1) it is very uneven in terms of difficulty, or 2) I stink Created a Guardian. Went around, killed everything in sight, relatively few problems. Found a hole in the ground around the 3rd or 4th area. Climbed down. Got utterly and completely owned. Reload, made note to avoid the hole for ten levels or so. Fpund my way to the Mines. Trucked around, had a fairly easy time of it. Then found northern entrance to training grounds from within the mines. Starting taking the trial from the brain globby thing. Entered a room with 4 empty pedestals, the door closed, and 4 elemental critters popped up on the pedestal. Each hit took 40-60% of my character's life. Needless to say I did not last long. BTW, my guy's wearing the best armor I could find or buy. What am I doing wrong? It seems I'm following the natural progession of the game, yet I hit areas that are WAY above my character's current capabilities. I don't like arbitrary death, so unless I'm doing something horribly wrong, this game needs a LOT of work on balance and pacing. Thanks in advance.
  5. <,Hehe... Me too i would'nt need an emulator, but i dont have a mac.>> Yeah, so what the heck was the original point of this thread? "Yes! You too can run Geneforge 3 on a windows PC if you don't have a Mac! All you need is an emulator, and a ROM which you can get off of a Mac!" Huh?!?
  6. <,You need a ROM file. If you have a Mac, just get it off that. If you don't, good luck on finding one...>> Umm, if I had a MAC, I wouldn't need the emulator to run G3 on my PC ...
  7. I concur. I fix one thing, something else doesn't work. By the time I get it working, the game will be out for Windows.
  8. Downloaded SheepShaver and installed; downloaded SDL; downloaded Geneforge3.demo; moved the cd driver thingy to \Windows\system32\drivers. Now, what exactly do I do to run Geneforge 3? I assume I have to tweak these to my "needs". The problem is, I don't know exactly what my "needs" are: disk X:\Path\To\DiskImage rom X:\Path\To\MacOSROM cdrom Y:\ Thanks.
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