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Everything posted by DeuXX

  1. I just finished with a loyal shaper character that used canisters... the ending fight was fun but it was not much of a challenge for my group, which only included my lvl 37 shaper, upgraded Alwan, and a super Rotdhizon pet. I was left wanting for more.. Before I left to see the ending I stumbled on a treat that made it all worth while. Take your left and right access bracelets ( I found them in the last areas off golems) to the small island north of Khyryk's Tower. Fight through the first rothgroth infested level and use the bracelets to travel to the caves below. This level is the challenge I was looking for and truly a treat.. the final boss is incredibly difficult and I prevailed only by good strategy, killer dual eyebeast creations, and luck. Good luck to everyone attempting this place! You won't regret it.
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