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Hawk King

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Posts posted by Hawk King

  1. I Can Honestly Say that I began to drool after reading this.

    The complexity of it all will be amazing! I can now start of as a loyalist rebel, respecting creation rights, only to turn around and become a loyal Barzite, destroying all those pathetic useless mindless thing's that do not follow me! Oh, I'm already relishing the cruelty in it, town's shall come to fear the name Barzite Bane!

  2. Alright,


    If you paid for the game and the code you recieved via e-mail did not work you can simply e-mail Jeff with your name and ask for another one.


    Yes there is essence pod's, just like every game.


    In some towns there are npc's you can talk to to buy skill's you have to find them yourself, I however just use editors.

  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Auctioneer par non:
    He needs to go set some Anama missionaries on fire!
    I got the most delightfully evil giggle after reading that.

    But on topic, this looks wonderfull!! Boats boats boats!
    Oh and rentar is dead and gone
    (if he shows up at the next RW cult meeting l'll just pretend I cant see him.)
  4. oops, I forgot about that (I have been messing with G2) so I just thre in what to do. Umm yeah just look for.

     // BEGIN PCSbegindefinecreature 45;	import = 9;	cr_name = "Warrior";	cr_graphic_template = 145;	cr_max_health = 28;	cr_max_energy = 20;	cr_max_essence = 30;	cr_regen_rate = 50;	cr_energy_regen_rate = 20;	cr_walk_speed = 24; //base_speed;	cr_base_level = 1;	cr_sound_when_slain = 127;		// These are all of the main character's combat abils.	// Abilities used in town are handled in hardcode	cr_abil_num 0 = 0; // punch	//cr_abil_level 0 = 1;	cr_abil_step_of_launch 0 = 8;	cr_abil_anim_in_reverse 0 = 1;			cr_abil_num 1 = 3; 	cr_abil_level 1 = 1;	cr_abil_step_of_launch 1 = 8;	cr_abil_anim_in_reverse 1 = 1; 
    And use lifecrafter or whatever, oops
  5. Okay, here goes.


    First open your G4 folder, oh by the way I use mac so the folder arrangement may be different.

    Anyways open the G4 folder, then open Files.

    Then your gonna want to go down to the folder titled scripts, in this file there is a text document labeled "gf4itemschars.txt"

    In this file on the very top is a bit of text ignore it till you get to.


     begindefinecreature 0;	cr_name = "Shaper";	cr_graphic_template = 110;	cr_max_health = 20;	cr_max_energy = 100;	cr_max_essence = 500;	cr_regen_rate = 12;	cr_energy_regen_rate = 12;	cr_walk_speed = 24; //base_speed;	cr_base_level = 1;	cr_sound_when_slain = 127;	cr_default_courage = 100;	cr_resistances 0 = 40;	cr_resistances 1 = 50;	cr_resistances 2 = 50;	cr_resistances 6 = 50;	cr_resistances 7 = 70;		// These are all of the main character's combat abils.	// Abilities used in town are handled in hardcode	cr_abil_num 0 = 0; // punch	//cr_abil_level 0 = 1;	cr_abil_step_of_launch 0 = 8;	cr_abil_anim_in_reverse 0 = 1;			cr_abil_num 1 = 3; 	cr_abil_level 1 = 1;	cr_abil_step_of_launch 1 = 8;	cr_abil_anim_in_reverse 1 = 1; 
    Now that is the (somewhat modified by me) default shaper coding that defines your PC, if you are a shaper.

    Now since you are implying you wan to change this, you had better make a copy for in case you don't like the change.

    Okay here is the code that Latilia has in her coding

     begindefinecreature 2;	import = 1;	cr_name = "Litalia";	cr_base_level = 40;		cr_sound_when_slain = 106;	cr_graphic_coloradj = 1; 
    thers more but you don't need that all you need is

     	cr_graphic_coloradj = 1; 
    Which changes her color to whatebver her color changed to. What you want to do is put
     	cr_graphic_coloradj = 1; 
    into the PC's coding so it looks like this

     begindefinecreature 0;	cr_name = "Shaper";	cr_graphic_template = 110; 	cr_graphic_coloradj = 1;	cr_max_health = 20;	cr_max_energy = 100; 
    There now you have a color changed shaper!


    Note, it is probably best if you dont do that as I only know these things by the way I randomly figured them out, so it may be best to just live wit what you get.

  6. No you are looking at the individual cells, like a microscope. Except they are scrools tristed around each other, spelling out the way it was made and how to re-create it and/or alter it. Or that at least is how I understood it.


    Edit: Also it should be noted that it was originaly the shapers who made this, and the ever so wonderfull canisters. But they were to weak to handle the power, so they sealed it away on Sucua island, and tried to forget about it, fools.

  7. Here is the original thing from Genefore 1


    "You look through the eyepiece and see a blur. You fiddle with the knobs and buttons. When you do, something astonishing happens.";

    "Your view zooms in on the servile's hand. Then it moves closer, so that you can see tiny details of the skin. Then, using some sort of unfamiliar, optical magic, it zooms in much farther.";

    "You watch, stunned, as the tiniest, most imperceptible details become clear to you. And then you see it. It looks like a pair of scrolls, amazingly long, spiraling into darkness.";

    "The scrolls are twisted around each other. But instead of writing on paper, the scrolls are the message themselves, a long message in an unfamiliar language, in an alphabet of only four letters.";

    "As you concentrate on one section, you focus your attention. With a single directed thought, you change one of the letters. Then another. If you wanted, you could completely inspect and rewrite the scrolls in the servile.";

    "Finally, dizzy, you step away. That was strange and marvelous. And yet, you had never learned anything of it before. Why hadn't the Shapers taught you about it?";

    "You look through the eyepiece again. It is just as strange and amazing as it was before.";

  8. Quote:
    Originally written by Kernio the Magnificent:
    Next game I want to be able to chose drackon as a character. That would be awsome. smile
    Yeah Im 99.9% positive thaat that won't happen, sorry.
    And yeah I too love the idea of having a shaping lab or rebel safehouse. Even though it is almost gaurenteed that it won't happen.

    Edit: darn you dctor, you beet me to it. :p
  9. Quote:
    Originally written by Dark Mage:
    [And I think that it's better that we don't see our characters in the bathroom, maybe shapers poop is alive!!! I don't want to see that!!
    ...Oh My, I read this and fell of my chair laughing!! So funny heehee
  10. ..... I just read the topic and my reaction was rather like this


    First five minutes: Cooooooooooooool G4.

    First ten minutes: Cooool G4 this forum is great!

    First twenty minutes:....... Wow these people are just plain strange.

    Present: .................Alright Im gonna back away slowly "back's away slowly then at safe distance run's" about ten second's pass "comes running back" I can't help it G4! G4! G4!G4!G4!G4!G4!G4!G4!.... Alright Im okay, somebody give me a Monster energy drink NOW ....


    But yeah G4 look's great really, errr....... Yeah..... well bye

  11. Quote:
    Originally written by Dikiyoba:

    Originally written by Hawk King:

    You know what really made me mad ? when I couldn't contain items in the big cauldrons I mean Iv got this cauldron And it very clearly has stew in it but is there any food in it nooo it's empty! what's with that Im very obsessed with my town design and that just Grind's my gears]
    There is something you could do if you wanted to take the time. Either create a special encounter around the cauldron or when the party looks at the cauldron (specobj script) that either gives food (Empire Archives in A2 has that and Holding Cells in Valley of the Dying Things has something similar), or use Thuryl's suggestion to create a cauldon container.

    .... All i was saying is that i want to put Food in a pot that clearly contains food..... Wow

    Dikiyoba would like to see a special enounter where the party sneak a ladleful of stew and then is whacked over the head with a rolling pin by the watchful cook. Sometimes, the little things are better than the big things. No one expects the little things
    Now this I like I may do that

    And thuryl That is what I meant i was just annoyed that jeff changed it as I remember being able to look inside the pots in A1 or something.

    And pyrogs tower (I don't care if I spelt it wrong it's been a while since i played anything but blades) the stew pot in A1 was cool
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