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Posts posted by The_Other_Guy

  1. Maybe not the appropriate place to post this, but I couldn't find a bettter one. Is there any way to change what time zone the times that appear on posts are? It's a heck of a lot easier to tell when a post was when I don't have to subtract 3 hours.

  2. Quote:
    Sauerkraut, The Other Guy - you are about three months late.
    I just looked at the date of the last post, I hadn't realized that someone had decided to drag up his dead topic. I guess I just assumed when he said
    Rather than create a new thread everytime I have a question in GF 2, I'm just going to revive this one.
    it wasn't THAT old. I guess I should try to pay more attention in the future.
  3. Another note on stealing, oddly enough noone seems to care if your creations steal stuff so just lock your player character in an empty room and you can have your creations rob people blind right in front of them without anyone trying to kill you. lol Doesn't work with containers though, as only your player character can open them.

  4. I actually started playing back through the series again myself some time ago in anticipation of GF4. As always I have been playing many other games along side them and doing other activities so I'm still only halfway through GF2 at the moment, esp. since I haven't played in about a week for no apparent reason. Before I was playing it less because I was tired from getting up early for school and on the weekends work left me with little time for games. (I work 9-5 and usually go to bed at about 8 and between 5 and 8 I have to get home, eat, take my pills, get a bath, etc. and by then I don't feel like playing anything major)

  5. Funny thing is I tend to mod my FPS's to death but I haven't touched RPG's, although this wouldn't be terribly easy on most but I'll have to start messing with GF. I'm not good with art though, so don't expect me to do anything that likely warrants posting the image. As for stuff I've actually done that's odd, I'm sure I could think of some if I weren't so tired, but all I can think of off the top of my head is triggering deadly mines then shutting the door, such as in Learned Pinner's stuff in GF2. You'd think the door would blow up.

  6. Quote:
    In the context of this topic question, I would define humanity as the quality of having the kind emotional and behavioral characteristics that are often described as uniquely human because they differentiate people from animals, such as empathy, compassion, mercy, and love.
    BINGO! Right on the mark! This is exactly what I meant.
  7. Technically you could use an editor or trainer and save before every canister you use, then load and adjust the stat with the editor instead. This wouldn't make any difference in GF1, but I did this my 2nd time through GF3 in order to avoid doing stupid stuff without choosing to as a result of my canister abuse. The first time through I played as an agent and thus skipped shaping canisters, but still had negative effects later in the game. You know I'm actually playing through GF1 again myself and basically using everyone. First I joined the obeyers to get their stuff (I had high enough leadership to avoid any quests for any sects), then joined the awakened and gained their benefits, afterwards I made my way to Kazg and joined the takers and I'm still with them until I kill Trajkov and use the GF then I'll switch back to either Awakened or Obeyers. I would definately choose the Awakened except for my concern for the fate of the Sholai although don't they get killed between GF1 & GF2? (when the island is retaken or whatever)

  8. The first time I played the game through, I aquired only 1 rotgroth fang in the Monestary of Tears despite the # of rotgroths, which was irritating. Well on my second time through I didn't get any, so I tried again. Then I tried it with my luck impossibly high twice, which still produced the same results. (by the way that impossibly trapped box in the game contains only trash, literaly) I tried it again with my original stats, same thing. Needless to say this was extremely frustrating and induced much cussing. Does anyone know what could be wrong? (an item trainer would also reduce my frustration)

  9. Sorry guys, I should have thought of that. For some reason all the characters just dissapeared and the only way I could see them was to move my cursor over one. This only produced it's outline however. There are actually my character, Greta, and between 4 and 6 enemies on the screen.

  10. You're very welcome. Since you're only on G1, I'd like to suggest you play it through a couple of times before moving on to the sequel and same w/ G2. I found that after playing the sequel, I can't stand go back. frown Please don't make my mistake.

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