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Posts posted by Jill

  1. that's exactly what i am saying. but don't underestemate the value of more energy and HP. it can be a HUGE boon. you just have to try and see if a new creation will be more powerful or less powerful than one you've kept around for a while. if you have a little army of creatures, EXP will be divided among all of them (including you) so everyone in your party will gain levels more slowly. so there are disadvantages as well as advantages to keeping a creation around for a long time. you just ahve to decide which it is in your case. in my opinion, keeping one or two around from the beginning at least until you can create Drayks is very helpful. just not too many of them.


    when you level, you are given points which you ca use in the Evolve creation screen. you can't get those points unless they evolve, but if you are creating a new creature, and ahve a whole lot of essence, you can give it to them all at once.

  2. i use silly names for whatever creatures i have.... except adopted ones.


    -the first one is always Spot. and i keep him around as long as i can. and like Kelandon and as mentioned in another thread, this is always a Fyora, and they can be as powerul as Drayks and Drakons if you keep them around and play your cards right.


    -Fluffy (reserved for the most grotesque looking critter in my party)




    and the like are the usuals. obvioulsy i don't take it too terribly seriously :p It's a game, it's supposed to be fun, so i have fun with it wink .

  3. all their stats do go up, but not in that 'evolve creation' screen. you have to think of the points in theat screen as kind of like extras (and as you level you will earn more points to buy skills in that screen), to make your creature stronger in a particular area if needed. but if you look in the small screen, not where you can edit their statistics, just the character portraits to the side of the main screen, the stats DO go up. this isn't readily apparent or terribly useful as far as strengh goes, (though it does help some) that's what the allocation points are for. where this is most helpful is giving your creature HP and energy. they'll be harder to hurt, and the more energy they have to waste while fighting the higher level they are.


    I kept a Fyora around from the beginning of the game to see what would happen, how kick ass i could make the most basic creature, and the little guy could go toe to toe with some of my later high level creations like Drayk's or Drakons. so leveling isn't a waste. but you should try to get your shaper's skills up a bit as soon as posible before you start keeping them around, to avoid the problem you described where the creations you made later were more powerful than the ones who had been leveling a bit. focus on your shaping skills early on, so you can focus on other areas while your creations are leveling.

  4. ah, so it's random huh? ah well... faced the Wyrm a few times and tried casting the spell a few times, then finally let ir overwrite the Ice Drake. no doubt that the wyrm kicks more ass than the drake. tho i wish i could overwrite the wraith, but i am not going to fight it too much, and but now i am approaching the end of the game, so it doesn't matter much.


    still think it is a fun spell wink

  5. Quote:
    Originally written by Ferox:
    ever heard about a "dead topic-raiser"? well, you have just become one.
    i think that cow-thingy you did there was quite cool, but anyway, dont post into a thread thats more than a week old.
    ... er, why not? i run a forum of my own, and from a moderating and reading standpoint i far prefer it if someone digs up an old topic rather than just posting a new one repeating what's already been discussed. it shows they've made an effort to find the answers rather than just begging for someone to tell them the answer without even bothering to look, for one thing. i'll even merge them together if two threads with the same topic are posted. less redundancy, less clutter, all the answers in one tidy place... not everyone will have something to add to a topic all at the SAME EXACT TIME, after all.

    to stay on topic, my list and a question.

    in Avernum 3 I am not done yet, but currently have:



    -Ice Drake

    - and a lame wraith which i captured to test it out...

    and i don't find it useless. sure, in your average random encounter, it is, but not when you are facing a great number of foes, like when you drop the barrier between the giants and Trogo's, or whatever... then again, i can't cast arcane summon yet, so...

    my question is, I am facing a Dark Wyrm, and i would like to capture it. i want it to replace the wraith, cus it's useless. but it seems to want to overwrite everything BUT that one >.< is there any trick to getting it to overwrite a specific slot, or is it random, or what?
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