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About RavagedSoul

  • Birthday 03/29/1986

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Articulate Vlish

Articulate Vlish (4/17)

  1. Alright, I will try to refrain. I will do as you ask, however I must say that "lol" is something. However, I will refrain either way. So it really makes no difference.
  2. Ok, I figured it out. Thanks to everyone who helped (or attempted to). Beyond that though, the creature thing? Could someone explain that fully to me? Really all I need to know are the correct calls.
  3. Yes I checked the town special encounter numbers. I do so every time that I start writing a town script. Thuryl, I hope you know while that gives me a rough idea of how to do it, it does not give me anything else but more questions. Use the encounter call? Now I can assume you mean the special encounter that I want the creatures visibilty state to change upon. (obviously) However, I searched the doc appendix and did not find anything on visibility or creating the creature or anything of the sort. So, in order for that to not arise more questions, what is the call used to change a creatures statis from not there (invisible), to there? Or what is the call to make a non-hostile creature?
  4. The code is as it was written above. (didn't you see it?) another small question after someone (hopefully) tells me what's wrong with the script. What are events? Not SDF apparently. I can't seem to find anything in the docs or appendix. If anyone could either give me a run through, or just tell me where in the documents I could find it. EDIT: You know what, screw the events. If I have a creature that I do not want to show up until a SDF is done. How would I do so? (This means the party would be inside the SAME town. I also don't care if it's creating the creature at that moment, but the problem is that the only call I've found to do so, is place_monster or whatever it is, and hence, makes the character hostile.)
  5. Quote: Originally written by m's chosen: WE? You dare to include me in your little circle? YOU if you desire can create 3 types of creature for each shaping class and 1 upgrade for each of them, resulting in a grand total of 18 creatures. + the Ornk making it 19. Now I hope that your spamming days are numbered M's Chosen, He's new. Extremely new. Why so harsh? Even I'm not that much of a prick.
  6. Quote: Originally written by RavagedSoul: beginstate 13; reset_dialog(); add_dialog_str(0,"Would you like to continue upward?",0); add_dialog_choice(0,"No."); add_dialog_choice(1,"Yes."); Choice = run_dialog(0); if (Choice == 2) { move_to_new_town(1,43,24); } break; beginstate 14; reset_dialog(); add_dialog_str(0,"Would you like to continue upward?",0); add_dialog_choice(0,"No."); add_dialog_choice(1,"Yes."); Choice = run_dialog(0); if (Choice == 2) { move_to_new_town(1,24,4); } break; beginstate 15; reset_dialog(); add_dialog_str(0,"Would you like to continue upward?",0); add_dialog_choice(0,"No."); add_dialog_choice(1,"Yes."); Choice = run_dialog(0); if (Choice == 2) { move_to_new_town(1,4,24); } break; beginstate 16; reset_dialog(); add_dialog_str(0,"Would you like to continue upward?",0); add_dialog_choice(0,"No."); add_dialog_choice(1,"Yes."); Choice = run_dialog(0); if (Choice == 2) { move_to_new_town(1,24,43); } break; Ok.. Got a new problem. This is (almost) the exact code from the script. (the almost part is I added a if (Choice == 1){block_entry(1);}) and now, I am getting this problem. Regardless of whether or not I leave from the north, south, east, or west, I end up at the east exit. Can anyone tell me why, and how to fix it?
  7. Depending on what utensil you are using, that can be very simple too. Take one colomn, select all the shaper parts (with photoshop or photoshop elements this is easy, use the shift key and the rectangular select tool) and then go to quick fix, and brighten it. Then do the same for the next row, but brighter. If it's really that important to you all, I could have one in oh, 5-10 minutes of any type of work. EDIT: Actually the problem with that would be that it would only change color when you moved. So, no, there is no easy way for the glow. It would have to be something like........ Wait a minute. If you read through and learn GeneForges script, you could find the call that does the same as the animation steps call in BOA. There has to be one that is used for Barzahl, it could possibly be applied to the character graphic. I would not know where to find the character attributes however, good luck... Thats all I can give.
  8. Unknown Command, or Unrecognizable Command. I think it was the former. (in line 26)
  9. begintownscript; variables; short Choice; body; beginstate INIT_STATE; break; beginstate EXIT_STATE; break; beginstate START_STATE; break; beginstate 10; if (get_flag(0,0) == 0) { message_dialog("You are not clean, you may not pass.","") block_entry(1); } if (get_flag(0,0) == 1) { message_dialog("You walk over the runes and hear a voice enter your head. "You have been cleansed. You may pass.",""); block_entry(0); } break; beginstate 11; if (get_flag(0,1) == 0) { message_dialog("This is odd. These are the regeneration crystals that allow your clan to awake. While you have awaken, these are still uncharged." , "You will have to find a way to recharge these if you want to awaken your clan."); set_flag(0,1,1); } break; beginstate 12; if (get_flag(0,0) == 0) { reset_dialog(); add_dialog_str(0,"These are the cleansing pools for your clan. After resting for so long, most people would want to wash their faces, do you?",0); add_dialog_choice(0,"No."); add_dialog_choice(1,"Yes."); Choice = run_dialog(0); if (Choice == 1) { message_dialog("You filthy, filthy Vahnatai.",""); } if (Choice == 2) { message_dialog("You dip your hands into the liquid, and wash your face. You feel extremely refreshed.",""); set_flag(0,0,1); } break; beginstate 13; reset_dialog(); add_dialog_str(0,"Would you like to continue upward?",0); add_dialog_choice(0,"No."); add_dialog_choice(1,"Yes."); Choice = run_dialog(0); if (Choice == 2) { move_to_new_town(1,43,24); } break; beginstate 14; reset_dialog(); add_dialog_str(0,"Would you like to continue upward?",0); add_dialog_choice(0,"No."); add_dialog_choice(1,"Yes."); Choice = run_dialog(0); if (Choice == 2) { move_to_new_town(1,24,4); } break; beginstate 15; reset_dialog(); add_dialog_str(0,"Would you like to continue upward?",0); add_dialog_choice(0,"No."); add_dialog_choice(1,"Yes."); Choice = run_dialog(0); if (Choice == 2) { move_to_new_town(1,4,24); } break; beginstate 16; reset_dialog(); add_dialog_str(0,"Would you like to continue upward?",0); add_dialog_choice(0,"No."); add_dialog_choice(1,"Yes."); Choice = run_dialog(0); if (Choice == 2) { move_to_new_town(1,24,43); } break; beginstate 17; message_dialog("This is the storage room for all of the pre-made statues. They are waiting to be hauled out for towns.",""); break; beginstate 18; message_dialog("This is the storage room for all of the pre-made power crystals. They are waiting to be hauled out for towns.",""); break;
  10. Okay. How about this. What is the way to teleport a party from one town to another? Does the move_to_new_town() call work? I wrote a script and it didn't seem to recognize the call, so I don't think so. Is there another call that allows one to move the party to a different town easily?
  11. On a Macintosh, changing the graphics of a playable character are simple. Using ResEdit you could take a .pict resource and copy it into a graphic editor. Take a Drayk, change the size (and columns if needed) to the Original Shaper's graphic. Insert into the resource file, delete the shaper resource (or change the resource number) and put the Drayk in it's place. As far as other colored shapers, I don't know. However starting the game with the regular colored shaper graphic would then effectively change your graphic into a Drayk. Simple.
  12. When you create a scenario, you choose a starting point for the indoors, and the outdoors. If I had a scenario that went through 3 towns before ever coming outside, would the party show up at the starting point for outside?
  13. Were you directing "STFU" towards me? I am sorry if you have nothing better to do then become angry at posts. That is not my problem. Don't read my posts if you want me to "STFU". Now, if you had asked me politely, then I might actually have had no need to respond. On the other hand, you didn't. So, please STFU. Have a nice day.
  14. Quote: Originally written by Nicothodes: Personally, I like Blades of Avernum, though it's annoying me now because I've played all the scenarios made so far. So, Make one. That's what I'm doing.
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