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Posts posted by PGLB

  1. The cheat code 'healmenow' was renamed 'ouchouchouch'. 'imdrained' restores your magical energy instead of 'rechargeme'. 'backtostart' still works, and so does 'giveasnack'.


    Two newer (introduced in Avernum 4 or 5) codes are 'leetbuffz', which buffs your entire party, and 'owmybrains', which removes mental effects on all party members.


    'clearthisarea' is, again, obviously not in the game.


    Originally Posted By: Ackrovan
    I never got around to exploring Grindstone, so I don't know if they have one.


    There isn't one there to my knowledge.

  2. X has also been my favourite since Exile 1.


    You know what would be a nice idea for a BoA (or BoE) scenario? "X's Anvil-Tastic Adventurers in the Demonic Plane/Wherever he went"! I suppose the PC would either have to play as a premade X or a group of adventurers who just happen to be sucked into the same place as X through another demonic portal. It would be pretty awesome.


    Except for the fact that it would have to contain demons.


    Lots and lots of demons. *shudder*

  3. I still have both of the original Exile games with the old graphics on a CD.

    If somebody can provide me with a reliable uploading location that doesn't expire after a month or something, I'll put them up for download.


    The version of Exile I have is V1.0.3, which means it doesn't have the 1 AP system, but it still has the old graphics.

  4. Sorry to bump, but I noticed that on Jewels' copy of the site, many of the walls and cliffs in the BoA section are missing, at least on my computer. This also happened for me with the original site, but I was able to fix that.


    I can't seem to get them to work with this version of the site, though, but I recently found out that I have all of the missing graphics on my hard drive.


    If Jewels doesn't actually have these on the site, or if somebody else needs them, I'm willing to share them.

  5. I still lurk around. Never really posted much, but I've always been here.


    All I've really done in my years here is test and make graphics for BoA scenarios, but I visit the forums every day anyway.

  6. I did a quick search for the "Letter to Rising" in Geneforge's scripts...


    begindefineitem 314;	import = 267;	it_name = "Letter to Rising";	it_value = 10;	it_extra_description = 31;


    This means that it is item 314.


    You could add an item by having it as a reward via a dialogue script. For instance, you could place it into a servile's dialogue script.

    We could do this with Lietz, a young servile in Medab.

    The original dialogue is located at the bottom of Medab's dialogue script (z17medabdlg.txt):


    begintalknode 194;	state = 200;	nextstate = 201;	condition = 1;	question = "Where are you from, Lietz?";	text1 = "He says in a quiet voice, _Sucia Island._";


    You could change this question to also silently add the letter:


    begintalknode 194;	state = 200;	nextstate = 201;	condition = 1;	question = "Where are you from, Lietz?";	text1 = "He says in a quiet voice, _Sucia Island._";        reward_give(314);


    Just copy the "reward_give(314);" bit and add it to the end of the question.

    There is probably a better way of doing it, but that's my solution for now. Hope it helped.

  7. Originally Posted By: Marlenny
    And one last thing, PGLB: WTF? We literally fed you your enemies and you go and PM them saying "Hey? Is it true that you are the Micklebur and Rowen is the Priest?". You passed up an easy win right there.

    I made the stupid mistake of accidentally PM'ing Sporefrog "I've heard Sporefrog is Micklebur" instead of sending it to somebody else. Yeaah. tongue
  8. Originally Posted By: Excalibur
    PGLB had told people I was Micklebur.

    I was going to apologize for this. I didn't really think I was going to ally with you as I was working with a few mages, so I basically spread that around so I actually had something to tell the people who talked to me.
    It seems to have lead to people finding out I was Dionicio and my death as well though, so I guess I deserved it.
    It was very fun and interesting despite I died in day 2.
  9. Oh, game over just before I attacked Micklebur.

    Hmm, it looks like I got all the roles right except The Creator (I thought he was Fae), Sarachim (thought he was Oliver), Sporefrog (thought he was the DL Blademaster), and Doom Warrior (thought he was the Empire Spy).

  10. Originally Posted By: Hell other it rises, me the pin
    Niemand, Excalibur - sent.

    PGLB - I didn't send it to you because I'm just going with three beta testers for now (another is at Shadow Vale). If I feel I need more, I will tell you.

    That's fine.

    (Late reply, I know. Internet's been playing up lately for me.)
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