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Posts posted by Bekah

  1. 1. I put the items in the boxes but was unable to finish the quest. Now I'm ready again but it just says the box is empty again - how do I put the things in there again.


    2. I get through the maze but when I get to the gate it says I don't have the key. I have the steel key from the room with the crystals but it won't work? Is that because of my question #1?




  2. Yup - I got to the button and moved all my guys into the hallway - then into the next room around the lava with the Mage in the room after that. Fought Groh and a couple of his helpers, staying out of sight of the hallway in case more were coming and saw me (2 or 3 did). I left the building, got congratulated, saved and went back for the goodies.


    I don't know if I would have done that on my own :-( I tried dispelling the barriers and opening chests while in battle and couldn't do it. I don't think I'd ever pushed a switch while in battle - probably didn't think that would work either.


    Thanks - on to pay a little visit to Hawthorne.


    Famous and possibly last words: Don't be afraid of the hard level but it takes some work.

  3. I'm in the hard version and am trying to beat Grah Hroth - I've made it to the surface without any cheats. I can't beat him - he ties up all my guys and then his guys run around beating them to death. This is on the bright red creatures. (Are they the last ones?)


    I had to do the surface thing twice because I didn't go out the door - the second time there were monsters in that dark room, the gauntlet, again. The thing is I used up a few potions there.


    But it doesn't matter how many potions I have or what weapons/spells I have (even from Erika) I can't do anything if I'm all tied up or in that corner.


    Can I get Grah without cheats? My characters are approaching level 36. I have two strong melee guys and the priest and sage. Would changing the cloaks do it?


    I don't know where to go to get higher levels. (I already killed off the Kyass town.) Besides - would I still run into the same problem with Grah tying me up?


    Should I go try the Emperor - I've got the directions from Erika.

  4. Well, I had the same problem getting to the docks in Khor's Deeps. I had no key and I l had ooked everywhere! So I went back to Khyryk but searching all over, I couldn't find him. I may have killed him, sad to say. frown How, I don't know. He's nowhere to be found. And Hoge did not drop the key. But I had released Agatha and knew that she was in Stonespire.


    I finally checked this board and saw a suggestion that I kill Agatha. I tried to steal things there but there was nothing to steal. I may have ransacked the place earlier although I tend to be very cautious about stealing.


    So having no other solution, I killed Agatha and the key dropped from her grasp. I got it but I had to fight my way out of town and I'm still a bit nervous about going back. (lol)


    I think that this may be a legitimate way to get the key if you are playing a loyalist agent and have no other way to get to the docks. The key drops from her and there's a little note saying that.


    I'm *not* saying this is in any way a preferred method to get to the docks. Only that if there is no other way from Hoge or Khyryk then... it's a workable last resort.



  5. And I loooove the new backpack. I can organize my things with the stuff I want to sell on the bottom and the stuff I tote around on the top. This way I don't have to hunt all over the place for that shield I wanted to sell. This way I can see how much space I have left. This way I can see at a glance what all is in there! smile This is much smarter.



  6. Charming? Enchanting?


    I love those cool trees! I want one for my back yard so I can sit beneath it and read and contemplate stuff and eat a pear for energy. They look kind of like olive trees.


    Lots of options. Lots of choices. Hmmmmmmm. This game is a bit more difficult than the others because of that. It has many more original ideas than I had thought it would have. It seems more than just an extension of Geneforge.


    Anyway, I'm an agent traveling with the two companons. We stop at vacant houses to rest and store stuff. I liked being an agent in 1 and 2, but it sometimes got lonely just traveling around so I would make one or two little creations for company. But with the new characters, this has elements of Avernum. I like eating food. (lol)


    But what will become of my traveling companions? frownsmile



    ready to leave Harmony Island in some way, it's a choice, you see, and I don' t know what to do!

  7. Oh I'm sooooo happy!!!! I've been checking all month. I've been playing G2 again in anticipation. I checked the site after work and ....... yes!!!!


    I've been playing around a bit, relishing and savoring and enjoying. So far, no complaints. I like female agents. Alone.


    Thank you, Jeff and thank you everybody else who was involved. Gonna be buying this one real, real soon! (tonight?)




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