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Posts posted by Poot

  1. You guys are just too goofy. Work together and create something better than the two you have created. :rolleyes: (yeah, like this is gonna happen) Really, don't bash each other. The first app I created was pretty crappy, but I sure was proud of it. The programmer I worked with congratulated me even though they knew is was crappy too. smile So don't pee on someone else's Cheerios because you have a better program.

  2. Don't use keygens. The sites that have keygens are full of porn and many keygens contain viruses and exploits that can cause harm to your PC. Spiderweb will help you get a new key granted they can find your purchase record. Jeff helped me last year when I had to reinstall BoA on my new PC. He even answered my email within the same day. (~4 hours actually).

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