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Posts posted by Celchu

  1. Hm, I think that for my next singleton, I'll create a heal mule, a lock picking mule and a haste mule... what? those destroy the concept of only using one character?


    The concept of only using one character in the game isn't to have only one guy scoring the kills and doing damage, it's to have only one guy trying to handle every aspect of the game, including reading spell books, hauling loot, and deciphering alien languages. If one character isn't capable of doing all that and still racking up good damage, then just deal with the fact that you don't know all the spells.

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by *i:
    Unfortunately, you cannot kill the king. If you do, you sort of die instantly.
    In my experience, if you kill him, you have to wait until the end of the round for the trigger to tell you that you were caught. After that, you have one more round until the game actually ends. I actually have a saved game with every town completly exterminated. (you only have two rounds to live, though, so it might be hard to verify)
  3. Quote:
    Originally written by *i:
    Unfortunately, you cannot kill the king. If you do, you sort of die instantly.
    In my experience, if you kill him, you have to wait until the end of the round for the trigger to tell you that you were caught. After that, you have one more round until the game actually ends. I actually have a saved game with every town completly exterminated. (you only have two rounds to live, though, so it might be hard to verify)
  4. Quote:
    Originally written by Contra:
    Edit: An edit on that, and excuse my drunkness, anyone know if Starrus drop anything intresting? He damn-well better.
    He has nothing worthwhile (I got a knife). Neither does anyone else important in the game. Out of every single powerful mage, priest, military leader or mayor, the best I got was a waveblade and some fine razordisks from Ghall-Ihrno. Most had nothing at all, a few had coins or basic items, General Marapova had a broadsword and armor (both poor quality, of course), and that commander at Fort Emerald had a sword. It's not even that challenging to murder everyone in Avernum; just make sure to save Starrus for last. It's kind of funny to see the dialogue that says you're overwhelmed by guards even though you just slaughtered every one of his subjects.
  5. Any time the game creates enemies while in combat mode, after the battle is over you won't be able to get first aid from those enemies. However, if you exit out of combat and then reenter it, you will get the first aid after killing those guys. I don't know which behavior is intended.

  6. I was just running some tests in Fort Draco about the behavior of towns regarding your murdering tendencies. You can kill any character in solitude without any of the town getting angry at you. This includes storekeepers, guards, inn patrons, the captain of the guard, etc. Killing in plain view will only anger those who see you; ie, you can clear an entire street of the pesky town guard, go inside the barracks and have a friendly conversation with the captain. This leads me to believe that Annatolia was given no special programming regarding surprise attacks, and just follows the normal rules for murdered citizens. If this is indeed a bug, it would be very simple to fix in the next update.


    Update: more on standard behavior regarding attacking citizens. I also tested Tower Colony and Fort Monastery, killing such distinguished gentlemen as X and Kellner. The exact behavior for people going hostile is as follows:

    1) anyone you specifically attack will go hostile

    2) anyone who sees another character go hostile will also go hostile

    This second part is very narrowly defined. If you swing a sword or fire an arrow inside a guard's sight range, the guard won't go hostile if he can't see the guy you attacked. As an added bonus, if the guy you attacked comes after you, the guards still friendly to you will do combat with them. I got some very entertaining guard-on-guard battles going with this in mind.

  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Slartucker:
    Alorael -- you're right, my bad. But didn't Exile 3 and Blades, or maybe it was just Blades, have this feature as well? I'm sure I remember mowing down goblins that way -- two-dimensional goblins.
    I remember that E3 at least didn't let you attack in town mode; your memory is probably due to the fact that the party's graphics didn't change between town and combat modes for a singleton.
  8. The Spire Fort will have to wait until you handle things west of Fort Remote. For that area, combat is usually the worst option. Stealth, haste spells, and mad dashes for safety are your best friends. And yes, many tunnels are there for your enjoyment.


    Edit: As Alorael points out, haste is not absolutely needed. But it can compensate for some errors and get to some places earlier than intended.

  9. Quote:
    Originally written by Periodic Emotion:
    The only thing to avoid is reading tomes while you have dead characters, because they won't benefit and you can't go back and read it again later.
    Actually, I was experimenting with this earlier. Cleric died halfway through a battle, part of the reward was a Heal spellbook. Read it with the mage and fighters, revived the cleric. Then read the book again; she went up in the spell, the others stayed at the previous level. So there's never any danger that comes from reading a spellbook.

    Heh, I just realized that that was my first post here after having an account for over a year. crazy.
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