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Drayk Armitage

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Posts posted by Drayk Armitage

  1. It's hard to balance a set of things where each thing has a unique effect. It's also usually better for a game to have some underpowered stuff than some broken stuff. Most designers of computer RPGs don't have the time to focus on perfectly balancing every spell, since so many things demand a designer's attention. So, some spells will always tend to be useless.


    I can think of a few games where this isn't the case, but they are all games that had a small number of spells (Dragon Warrior had 10, for example, only 6 of which were combat spells).

  2. There are a number of people who refer to each item. Off the top of my head, Demonslayer is referred to by Efram and Anastasia in Silvar, Boutell in Fort Draco (I think), Solberg, Patrick, Micah, probably Rone and some other folk. The Orb of Thralni is definitely referred to by people in the Castle (where it was stolen from) and Fort Remote, and probably others as well.

  3. Just for clarity's sake: Encumbrance is determined by what you wear (not what you carry), and it has two effects, which can be partially mitigated by Defense skill: lowering your to-hit chance, and making your mage spells fail.


    I seem to recall finding a plethora of superb 0 and 1 encumbrance armor pieces in all three Exiles. Maybe not enough for a party of six mages, but if you have six mages then how is anything making it to melee range anyway? Make one mage a tank for when you're in a narrow maze and you should be fine.

  4. Are there any other creations that somebody wrote an entire tract about the overpoweredness of?


    No, I didn't think so.


    Vlish aren't really overpowered in G1, although they are still extremely useful there. And in G2, they are slightly overpowered, but not head and shoulders above every other creation as in G3.

  5. The problem is that Item Lore is so expensive, in gold but mainly in skill points. At FOUR skill points per point of Item Lore, it's easily the game's worst value. (Well, maybe it's better than buying Health directly.) Item Lore is a relatively small convenience, for which you are willing to give up 2 points of Edged Weapons, or 1 1/3 points of Intelligence? Or most of a point in Luck or Priest Spells? Absurd.


    I have sometimes edited 10 points into my singleton games, just to make monster drops less than totally useless.

  6. BTW, the reason X isn't listed as a major character is that he is 100% insignificant to the plot and backstory of every game in the series. He has nothing to do with any major events or major quests, or for that matter any minor events.


    The criteria for being a major character was mainly having major relevance to plot and story, and also having a large chunk of dialogue either spoken by or spoken about the character. Honestly, Anastasia's a lot closer to a major character than X is, and she's not either.

  7. I don't remember how E1 handles monster movement, but I don't think the gazer will sit there totally unmoving -- I imagine every so often it will move a square away. Moving to one of those other ledges should certainly get him to move.


    Maybe it's impossible, but I bet if you fool with it you can manage to escape.

  8. It's been stated that it doesn't apply to item use (missiles), but I would assume ranged attacks (Fyora breath, Firebolt) are treated the same way as melee attacks -- they always have been.


    I'm still excited about getting a Melee/Magic PC.

  9. I've always liked Formello. In E1 it seemed less boring than all the other Six Cities, possibly because it wasn't just plunked down in the middle of a big cave. (Except Dharmon; Dharmon was interesting and had that great description.) All those little windy tunnels were fun to explore. It's the main city in Chapter one of E2, which remains one of the best-balanced and (imho) most fun parts of any Spiderweb game. It's also near Motrax, who appears to be very popular among people who took this poll, and Solberg's Tower as well. And it must get some cachet from being the first contact with Bon-Ihrno.


    In A4, Formello and Silvar seem to have way more sane residents than the other cities, though that could just be because they had a kinder Shade.


    Also, see Formello .

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