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Drayk Armitage

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Posts posted by Drayk Armitage

  1. You're right about Angband. I went to look for examples and I found... not much. Most of the rating scales or systems I can find through a quick google search that use bad or poor, do not use both. This is accomplished in various ways -- having only one negative rating, having a more clearly horrendous word for the worse option, "very bad", etc.

  2. The following people appeared in each of the first four games:

    - Solberg (in A5 as well)

    - 'X'

    - Kelner

    - Captain Johnson

    - Tor Gunston

    - Carol Hamer

    - Walner

    - Crisper

    - Julio

    - Elspeth (probably; the A4 appearance could be a different Elspeth, though)


    As far as I know, this is a complete list.

  3. Dikiyoba and I also need to work on the Main Page, the Help pages, and so on. But that stuff can wait. What we probably should get done before article writing commences is:


    1) Formalize the scope policy: what can go in SA? We seem to have a pretty good consensus with the version I threshed out earlier in this thread, but it needs to be written up more clearly.


    2) Write up a style policy. Important parts to get done before we start on articles:


    * 2a) Naming conventions for articles. EE should provide a good model here but some changes may make sense. I'd like to use singular rather than plural for countable generics such as races, to simplify markup links.


    * 2b) What is significant enough to warrant an article? As Goldenking's post implies make an article for every zone would be confusing and not useful, but obviously some zones deserve articles. We aren't Supreme Court judges so this is easier than defining "pornography", but it needs to be defined.


    * 2c) List standard article sections (such as those related to #1)


    * 2d) Neutral Point of View, Encyclopedia Tone and Style, etc.


    3) Because there are so many entries where our last canonical information is years out of date and has probably all changed -- pretty much anything that was in G1-3, but not G4 -- we should specify how this will be discussed. Probably we should just give the information we have available and not comment on possibilities beyond that, to avoid having a trite and uninteresting fortune telling section in every article. Either way, we should formalize this too.


    4) Have a working draft of a category system. I've borrowed from EE on my list, and I think that will be enough to get us off the ground.

  4. Aran: is it possible to restrict all new accounts from editing until they have been individually approved?


    I'm willing to invest the time to do that, and it seems a lot more productive than the amount of time you've had to waste dealing with the spam on EE.

  5. Scale in general, including the indoor/outdoor issue, might be related. But that's definitely not the main source of the lack of epicness (except perhaps in A4, where the world was literally, physically, compacted from the epic scale as previously experienced).


    Exile 1 had a whole new world to explore. Because the standards of the world were so rudimentary -- stone weapons and crappy food -- doing serious things with dragons and wizards seemed rather remarkable. Exile 2 had a strange new race of beings, and a terrible invading army -- and a war you could seriously impact in multiple, independent ways. Exile 3 had the novelty, and huge size, of the surface.


    I think the EE article on the Exile 2 heroes conjures up the sense of 'epic' better than an analysis is going to, though.

  6. The Asp Gloves make poison worse whenever you are poisoned, but they don't spontaneously do anything to you. I'm pretty sure they just affect poison and not disease.


    The Pyrrhic Necklace diseases the party spontaneously just like the uranium bars.

  7. I move for no run-off. I deliberately structured this poll to avoid the need for a run-off, as the poll isn't about choosing your favorite, but gathering information on the appeal of different choices. barred received 11 positive votes and 4 negatives. geneforge received 9 positive votes and 6 negatives. sucia received 6 and 4. Clearly, barred elicited the most positive reaction overall, while sucia elicited the most subdued reaction.


    Aran, I know that _you_ dislike barred. It is after all your domain, and your generosity that is providing the site, so if you simply don't want barred I don't think anyone will object to your vetoing it. But let's not drag this on forever.

  8. 14 votes is what the last poll got, I believe. So it looks like the winner is


    Sucia Archives






    I voted against Sucia Archives, but I'm slowly being sold on it, and I think it'll be a good name. The barred subdomain is clever and gives the site some character, even if it's more obscure than geneforge would be.


    Aran, make it so.

  9. Since some new ideas have appeared with seeming consensus since the first poll, here's a new iteration of the poll.


    Note that you do NOT have to choose the "like" or "dislike" option for every possible title. If you're neutral, just don't pick it for either.


    There appears to be a general consensus that "Sucia" is the best theme for the wiki title. No one has posted otherwise, anyway. The lack of a Sucia option on the poll probably explains most of the Terrestia votes. If anyone *is* really attached to a Terrestia title or domain, feel free to post your affection in the thread.

  10. ET: Do you have a source on that first assertion? I can't find it in my dumps, though at the moment they don't include ending text.


    EDIT: Never mind. I found it. It's in the intro text.


    ...so, ET makes a good point. Terrestia is apparently the smaller part of the world. Most of the names I can think of aside from Encyclopedia Terrestia suck.


    ...what about "Encyclopedia Sucia"? That would make a lot of sense, actually, since everything the encyclopedia concerns can trace its origins back to Sucia island.

  11. I don't think the factional debates are really the issue. The philosophical ones are, and those are closely connected. "Regulation of shaping" certainly ought to present the views of different sects, as would "Creation freedom". But I think those debates have mostly been civil and calm here.


    The ones that get out of hand are the ones about pointless moralistic judgments, i.e., are the drakons more or less morally reprehensible than the humans. Who cares? That's not an encyclopedia topic. Moralizing is not an encyclopedia function. "Loyalists" "Barzites" and "Rebels" (and so on) could certainly have small sections on "Criticism" or "Acclaim" (much as Wikipedia has for many public figures and institutions).


    And really, these are fairly straightforward. Every faction will be criticized by others for its views on shaping regulation and creation rights. Every faction will be accused of being hypocritical. And each faction has one standard ad hominem argument: the Shapers are slow to adapt, the Awakened have their heads in the clouds, the Barzites are megalomanaical, and so on.


    If any articles DO get out of hand, they can always be locked so that only designated users can edit them.

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