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Posts posted by eztaren

  1. Maybe it's because it's seriously late for me and I need to go to bed, but I can't see how to access Control Core B.

    I can see the entrance on the map, but unless there's a way to swim, I can't get to it.

    I've joined the Trakovites, if that changes anything.


    Thanks in advance.

  2. I can't get either of these scripts to work.

    I'm guessing it's because I'm not starting at the beginning, and the characters which were originally in that area are long gone. I really don't want to start over again.


    Is there a way to get this to work independent of the characters?

    Even with Emperor's script, when I approach the sign I just get broken dialogue errors.


    Any help?

  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Mind:
    The game screen can't be minimized, which forces me to quit the game - which happens rather slow, as well - every time I wish to do something else, which is rather irritating.
    If you're in OS X, hitting Command-tab will switch to the finder. You can then hide GF and do what you want with the game still running.
  4. In the last 2 GF games, events basically waited for you to act. There were no time limits, and nothing changed until you took action.

    In GF3 I've noticed there is a day counter when you view the map.

    Are there consequences based on the amount of days it takes you to complete quests / the game?

    Or is the counter just something which reports how long it took you to complete the game so you can try to do it faster next time?



  5. I've been out of the GF loop for a while and there are some things I'm still clueless about.


    What is the Xian Living tool?


    In a previous post it's location is said to be:

    "under a concealed doorway under Gramplin's bedroom rug. "

    Can I get a full location on this? Like what area are you referring to?



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