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Rune Litch

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Fledgling Fyora

Fledgling Fyora (1/17)

  1. I see, thanks for clearing that up, so spreading points for better creature variety is not really a good idea? a better strategy would be getting a single shaping skill high up, fill up my party and from then on focus just on intelligence and magic skills?
  2. Thank you very much for your answer Randomizer, although I think you might have misunderstood my question, I was not asking whether having many creations is worth it. I was asking if putting lots of skill points into a single shaping skill worth it since creatures level-up on their own anyway? My initial plan was to put just enough points into each skill so I can shape every type of creature and rely on them gaining levels of their own
  3. I have a little question regarding how to build shapers, keep in mind that I'm currently playing on normal so I'm not really looking for the best build available I'm only trying to not completely sabotage my playthrough I've noticed that my creatures gain levels of their own so granted that I can keep them alive throughout the entire game is there any reason to heavily invest in a single shaping skill instead of putting just enough into all three skills and then go full healing to keep them alive as much as possible?
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