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Posts posted by Craig234

  1. Ya, I'm hitting a bit of a wall, where the only places to go are the bridges where I can't talk to Sholai, Ascended labs, and Dry Wastes. All kind of too hard (I haven't tried killing the Sholai). I'm close to level 8, at least, not sure where to put points next (stealth is 0).

  2. I noticed mines reset when I leave the zone. This makes it harder, that if I take damage from them, I have to activate the mines again when I go back.


    I'm getting to a point in the game I'm starting to get a bit stuck. The bridges, and a couple areas too hard to do.

  3. OK, googled a little, spores were suggested, or finding a switch to turn them off. That might be how I had them off once.


    Edit: looks like that was it. Using some sort of 'spore machine' looks like it turned them off. Wasn't clear.

  4. There are some mines you can disarm with mechanical skill. But it appears others that you can't. Not sure how to deal with them.


    Once, they just didn't go off. That was odd. They had on a previous play, and they did when I restored a save, but one time they didn't.


    The only approach I'm seeing currently is set off a mine, take a lot of damage, go back to town and heal, repeat. That seems sketchy.


    Without spoilers much, any ideas?

  5. Thanks. It sounds like the answer is ;yes', good idea to join each. At level 4 I had 5 leadership and met the Obeyers. I just got level 5, I could pump leadership I guess to 8 later and come back to join? Or is that too much in leadership early.

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