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Posts posted by Ennowyndo

  1. Hello all. Bit of a "curiosity" post more than anything, but here goes.


    TL;DR: How does the Geneforge saga compare to other cRPGs of the same era? 


    Bit of a newbie when it comes to cRPGs and such and in recent times I've been wanting to revisit this era of "classical RPGs". I've had more experience with more modern "RPG" titles catered to a more younger audience, such as Fallout 3 (despite never playing 1 and 2), Final Fantasy, and the Souls series of ARPGs for instance. My only exposure to the "classical" cRPG was Geneforge (1 to be exact), which I only played briefly until more recently when I wanted to revisit some older titles that enjoyed but I never got around to playing/finishing.


    Can say that I've been going through the Geneforge saga, up to 3 so far, and it's been a great experience. Can't say that everyone shares the same sentiment, as there are often a lot of mixed messages regarding the Geneforge series in terms of gameplay depth, combat, graphics, etc, and possibly the other Spiderweb games that I haven't seen, which is where part of my question stems from.


    It could also be that my rose-tinted view of these games is based purely on nostalgia, but if anyone else has played other cRPGs at the time, I am curious on how this series in particular compares to other cRPGs that were more popular back then. I'd play them myself, but not a lot of free time nowadays, maybe one day.

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