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Posts posted by Naja

  1. ho I see... so it's possible not to be abble to finish the Roach Quest ! it's a big problem... Fortunatly it's not yours cybertron13.


    I think you should also use the Editor to add to your character some skill points, because you gain a lot of XP in the Lair of Drakos, since you have to fight about 6 Ur-Basiliks, maybe 20 Squeletal Warriors (particularly strong), 2 Drakes Lord, etc...


    Maybe there is another way in the game to gain the Arcane Shield Level 3 ? (you can be invincible during a short time with the level 3)

  2. you can finish the game without doing the **** quest in the lair of Drakos.


    But Olga wouldn't tell you were the lair of Drako was, anyway - it's somebody else, in another town...


    If you absolutly want to see what loots you can have in the lair of Drakos, use the Editor > "Advances Features" > "Give an Item" > N°499, N°298, N°444, N°303, and the other items I forgot.


    I think you can't finish the game whithout finishing the Roach Quest - but I'm sure it's impossible not to be abble to finish a so important quest. Maybe Olga just changed of town ? In fact I don't think Olga is involved in the Roach Quest.

  3. Quote:
    Originally posted by Kyna:
    I wouldn't mind living on the Isle of Bigail [...]. A quiet cottage somewhere near the GIFTS [...] for afternoon tea, [...with] my friendly neighbours
    hey Kyna, I will do afternoon coffin me too, in my Spiral Crypt (which is clean enough like that) - all neighbours of Bigail will be welcome, and the other too, I have enough coffins for all - milk with your coffin ?

  4. I would live in Erika Tower, with Erika laugh

    because I like her toys, and I prefer Avernum, it's a quiet place


    but I wouldn't live in Valorim, because there is too much people, even with the plagues, which aren't efficient enough


    PS : of course, after cleaning the surface, I will destroy Avernum towns, because it's small, and I want it just for me mad

  5. I wasn't able to download any of the Spiderweb games on my MAC - I wish I had Avernum 1 & 2


    I read this advice each time I want to download :


    ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved



    While trying to retrieve the URL: ftp://ironycentral.com/mac/Avernum.demo.bin


    The following error was encountered:


    * ERROR 101 -- Access denied.


    This means that:


    Please contact your system administrator. Your request is denied based on the configured access control for all requests.

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