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Posts posted by Hotbutter

  1. I shouldn’t mention this but seeing as I’ve beaten all the series I’ve discovered let’s say a design flaw. This works in any one of the games. so if you find yourself needing to get past a certain area but don’t want to trigger a game mechanism like in this instance robbing the Anama and having the town angry at you. You won’t need the rings at all btw to rob them and I’ve done this personally. It works best if you find a smaller enclosed space but regardless it will work with some patience. (First) line your party to the very edge of the square you wish to enter but cannot. Works best when your party is in a straight line facing the square you wish to cross.  (Second) enter combat mode, cast haste first then make sure you have a mage in the back of your formation and cast illusions as many times you need to cover every square behind you and the tiles around you excluding the tile you wish to enter directly in front. Then when the squares at least surrounding your characters are filled go back to peace mode and it may not work the first time but your party will be propelled forward to the place you are trying to reach without any consequences. In general typically when you enter back to peace mode your party jumps around randomly but by filling the tiles around you, you control the direction your party jumps to when entering back to peace mode. Personally I don’t consider this cheating but more like smart maneuvering because the mechanisms are left intact also it usually takes several tries. I’ve done this method plenty times in multiple areas in all the series to get ahead early and quickly and take what I want without repercussions. I’ve never met a room I couldn’t raid the exact way I wanted to. enjoy 😉 

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