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Everything posted by madwand

  1. I have been away from the board for quite a while (years actually) so my apologies if this has already been discussed to death at some point (my search attempt did not turn up anything). In the Geneforge series it "used to be" that a good way to level up was find a spawner and, rather than killing it as soon as possible, sit there and keep killing creations as it makes them. However in Geneforge 4 I've noticed an odd thing. For a given spawner you can do that for a while, but then suddenly the kills begin yielding no experience points. It doesn't even say "you receive no points" like [to my recollection] it used to do when you were killing things way below your level. It just fails to mention points at all after a kill and, sure enough, your experience point counter does not go up. Again, this is not about killing things that are too weak for you, as I still get the expected points by killing similar creatures elsewhere. Also, I do not level between the stage where I am still getting points and the stage when I stop getting them (which used to be the point at which your per-kill reward would drop). Does this ring a bell with anyone, either as a known bug or a deliberate change? BTW, in one case I believe a spawnwer wasn't even involved, but rather a Shaper (Moshe) repeatedly creating the same set of creations. (I have not dealt with him yet so I could be wrong, but in the past Shapers didn't even use spawners -- only rebels). Any input would be appreciated! M
  2. Hi folks, (Hey, after all this time my login is still here. Great!) I am curious about a couple things in the Infiltrator's Fort in GF-2. When I found Alvarny and his gang and asked for their help they said I needed to talk to Seli in Medab. However I looked all over Medab and East Medab (or thought I did) and never seemed to find this person. The one time I thought I "might" have seen him was several levels back when I mistakenly let out the penned Fyora near the blacksmith shop (before I pulled the plug on that session I thought I saw someone named Seli entereing the fray so I wonder if he was the Fyora's owner). The other question has to do with giving Alvarny the good news after cleaning out the fort (since I could not find Seli I had to forego Alvarny's help). However I was presented with two almost identical choices for telling him. Unfortunately I didn't write these down but I think one said something like "I killed a bunch of rogues and serviles" and the other said "I cleared out the fort". I picked the one sounded more comprehensive (that mentioned the fort) but Alvarny's reaction was lukewarm. He and his gang joyfully packed up and left but I got very little EP. I had saved the game from just before the choice and tried the other option. Alvarny was much more enthusiastic and I got a lot more EP. I had meant to keep that saved game around but somehow lost it (thus my rough approximation of what was said). However the difference still puzzles me. In case it makes a difference I was playing a Shaper with a leadership of 10, had been very nice to Serviles and had joined the Awakened. TIA! M
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