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Everything posted by DrFraud

  1. When I purchased the various games over the years, I didn't see any use in plunking down another five bucks per for a CD when I could just burn my own. Unfortunately, things didn't turn out quite as planned. When I copy-and-pasted onto the current computer after my old computer's death-at-long-last, Geneforge 2 & 3 refused to run in Windows Vista. Since Geneforge 1 is older and works just fine, I'm forced to conclude that getting them off of the apparently-corrupted CD via a retrieval program damaged them somehow. What's even worse, while Geneforge 4 & 5 work just fine, I apparently stupidly copied them to the CD in question before registering either one. I was kinda hoping somebody could help me come up with a solution that wouldn't require spending another $50-$110 on games I already bought and paid for. (My registered copies of Geneforge 4 & 5 might be retrievable from the old hard drive, but since my stepfather is the one with all the technical knowledge, and he tends to work at crippled-snail speed when it's Somebody Else's Problem, I ain't holding my breath here.)
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