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Everything posted by Tenebrous

  1. Ok, I've gone as far as I can figure out. I've entered the keep itself with the other Vhanti, done everything on the first level, and am now down to the second level. I've read the walkthrough, but my deal is that the lever to open the east portcullis NEVER APPEARS. Or if it does, I can't see it. I've fully explored the area to the south, killed the guards past the portcullis to the east, but I can't find the lever. Any ideas?
  2. Quote: Originally written by Sullen Plummet: It's Grindstone, Formello, Cotra. If you can't enter the door in the chitrach warrens under Cotra you haven't finished the one by Formello. —Alorael, who supposes its worth pointing out that killing the skeleton in the Formello test doesn't count as a victory. The only criterion for winning is taking a certain amount of damage over several rounds. That means that invulnerability also isn't going to help. I can't even find the one near Cotra. I've cleaned out the ruins (west of Dharmon) and found the glyphed door. It lead me to a place SW of Almaria where there was another glyped door. That one said to go a place NW of Cotra. That's where I'm at, and I'm finding nada.
  3. Quote: Originally written by Randomizer: You can't enter the Abyss until you finish Rentar-Inhro's fortress west of Fort Remote. To get inside once you get through the pylons there is an entrance on the south side of the entry area that gets you past the barred gates. Ok, gotcha. I have made past the first barred gates, and then made it down into the lower level. That's when I see the second barred gates and I cannot get in. The doors all need level 20 of tool use, and my Nephil only has 13. Is there any other way besides trying to get her tool use up? I ask that because I've gone everywhere that I know to go and I can't find anything else to kill.
  4. I've reached a point in the game where I can't figure out what to do next. My characters are all level 15 or so. I can't figure out how to get into the Abyss; I can't get through the locked doors in the Vahanti mage's castle; I can't get past the glyphed doors in the ruins or outside of Cotra. I still can't kill any shades. I've used up nearly all the job boards, too! Help!
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