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Posts posted by tortured_tortis

  1. there has to be a way to win though, i mean come on did spiderweb make it so you cant explore fort and blackcrag. or why did they make you a dervash in the end if you cant continue and then have all the privlages of being great and powerful. if one of the creaters of avernum is looking at this could you at least give an explanation for your ending, if there is none, sorry i loved the rest of your game, but the ending sucks butt



  2. i just beat the game. it was hard and all but i did it. anyways whey i got to the consol every thing happend acording to plan, the tower blew up, i was teleported to blackcrag fort, given 5000, and made a devash. then comes the problem, it says, "there are a lot of other artifacts to find, treasure to get and bad guys that need to be whacked, do you want to continue or end with this great victory?" (or something along those lines) so then it gives me 3 coices, quit, restore, or restart, all of which send me back to the place i saved last, thinking ahead i saved right before i got to the control panel so i went back there but every time i beat it, it never lets me continue. By the way, im using mac OSX and i got the patch. please help me.

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